REVIEW: Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear

Today’s featured review looks at this year’s Caldecott Medal winner, which is a also nominee in Juvenile and Elementary Nonfiction: Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear, by Lindsay Mattick and illustrated by Sophie Blackall. The review comes from Round 1 panelist Carrie Waterson of the IndyPL Kids’ Blog at the Indianapolis Public Library. She read …

When Cybils Judges Hit the Big Time

Former Cybils judge and founder of the Nerdy Book Club, Colby Sharp, has just landed a book deal with Little, Brown.  From the Publisher’s Weekly story:   Sharp is going to expand on the importance of reading and writing by editing an interactive anthology, The Creativity Project, which Little, Brown Books for Young Readers has bought for publication in 2018. The …

REVIEW: Ms. Bixby’s Last Day

Our featured review for this first Wednesday in November is a nominee for Middle Grade Fiction, reviewed by Round 2 judge Greg Pattridge. Greg is a teacher, mentor, and writer who blogs about MG books at (what else) Always in the Middle. Over the summer, he reviewed Ms. Bixby’s Last Day by John David Anderson, the author of Sidekicked and …

REVIEW: White Sand, Vol. 1

Happy Halloween! In between pumpkin carving and candy eating and other festive behavior, why not check out today’s featured review? It’s from Round 1 Graphic Novels judge Alexandra Cenni, aka Lexie, who is one half of the blogging team at For the Sake of Reading. Her favorite genre is fantasy, and one of her recent reads from earlier this year …

REVIEW: Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion

Our featured blog review of the day comes from Joanne Roberts, a Round 1 panelist in Elementary and Juvenile Nonfiction. Joanne blogs at Bookish Ambition, and she is a children’s illustrator and writer herself. Last month, for Perfect Picture Book Friday, she posted about Fiction Picture Books nominee Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion by Alex T. Smith. In …

REVIEW: Big Chickie, Little Chickie: A Book of Opposites

Hey, everyone–it’s another new category this year! Today’s blogger review is a nominee from our new Board Books category, which is a subdivision of Fiction Picture Books. Round 1 panelist Ami Jones blogs at A Mom’s Spare Time, where she posts book reviews and blogs about life as a Youth Services Librarian. Earlier this year, she reviewed Board Books nominee …

Publisher/Author Submission Deadline Extended

The deadline for submissions by publishers, authors, and publicists has been extended. If you would like to submit titles for consideration for the 2016 Cybils Awards, please make sure I have your spreadsheet by close of business Pacific Time, Thursday, October 27. Please see this post for more information on submissions. Sheila Ruth, Publisher Liaison publishers (at) cybils (dot) com

REVIEW: Duck, Duck, Porcupine!

You’ve met (virtually, anyway) Jennifer Wharton, our category organizer for Elementary and Middle Grade Nonfiction. But have you visited her blog yet? If not, go check out Jean Little Library for a review of Easy Reader nominee Duck, Duck, Porcupine! by Salina Yoon. (You’ll also find tons of other book reviews from picture book to middle grade, and posts about …

REVIEW: What’s Up, Chuck?

Today’s blogger review comes via Sue Morris, a Round 1 panelist for Fiction Picture Books and blogger at Kid Lit Reviews. She prides herself on her thoughtful reviews of children’s books, from picture books on up through middle grade, and she is a writer and social worker as well as a kidlit enthusiast. Over the summer she reviewed Early Chapter …

Kidlitcon 2017 – Call for West Coast Hosts!

On behalf of the Kidlitcon 2016 organizing team, we all wanted to let you know that KidLitCon 2016 was a big success! We missed those of you who couldn’t be there. Everyone who attended enjoyed lots of facetime with favorite authors, terrific food, and abundant swag. Bonds were formed with fellow bloggers and kidlit enthusiasts. The halls echoed with laughter! …