We’ve got a review of one of our winning titles for you today: the inaugural winner in our brand-new Audiobooks category. The book is The Inquisitor’s Tale: Or, the Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog by Adam Gidwitz, a funny and fantastical medieval adventure. Audiobooks Round 2 judge and Cybils blog co-editor Melissa Fox reviewed this one just last …
REVIEW: When the Moon Was Ours
Today we’re featuring a review of YA Speculative Fiction finalist title When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore. The review comes from Original Content, the long-running blog of Round 2 Speculative Fiction judge Gail Gauthier: “When the Moon Was Ours is elegantly written with lush language that’s carried through the whole work. In addition to being a Cybils finalist, …
REVIEWS: YA Graphic Novel Shortlist
Sometimes a roundup is good fun, and today we’re featuring a roundup of the YA Graphic Novels shortlist from Round 2 judge Kimberly Francisco. She put up nice, concise reviews of the YA shortlists on the blog Stacked, including this observation of finalist title Dare to Disappoint by Ozge Samanci: “Samanci’s graphic memoir tells of her childhood in Turkey in …
The 2016 Cybils Winners!
There’s not much to say in the way of an intro this year: just our thanks to all the bloggers who judged, authors who wrote, and publishers who supported us again in this year’s endeavor. And on that note, here are this year’s winners, in alphabetical order by category: Audiobooks The Inquisitor’s Tale: Or, the Three Magical Children and Their …
The Winners Are…
Not in this post. But they are chosen and the blurbs are written and we can’t WAIT to share them with you. Tomorrow. At 9 a.m. Eastern, 6 a.m. Pacific. Be there. It’s so much better than that commercial roses and chocolate celebration. (Well, maybe not the chocolate, but you get the picture.)
REVIEW: When Green Becomes Tomatoes
It’s Friday, so of course it’s time for poetry! The Poetry category brings us our featured finalist review today: When Green Becomes Tomatoes: Poems for All Seasons by Julie Fogliano and illustrated by Julie Morstad. Round 1 judge Sondra Eklund, who blogs at Sonderbooks, reviewed this title last year and wrote: “Here’s a lovely book that goes through the seasons …
REVIEW: Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America
The featured Cybils review for today is from the Middle Grade/Young Adult Nonfiction category: Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America by Gail Jarrow. Librarian and Round 1 judge Kelly Jensen reviewed this one in the fall on her blog Stacked: “Those most susceptible to America’s bubonic plague were Asian immigrants, and the choices politicians made to slow down the spread …
REVIEW: Some Kind of Happiness
We’re getting closer and closer to the Big Announcement Day! Don’t forget to check here on the Cybils blog on February 14th for the winners of the 2016 contest. Today’s featured blog review looks at Middle Grade Fiction finalist Some Kind of Happiness by Claire LeGrand. The review was written by MGF judge Valerie Bogert, a teen librarian who blogs …
REVIEW: Lowriders to the Center of the Earth
One of our finalists this year in Elementary/Middle Grade Graphic Novels is the second in a series: Lowriders to the Center of the Earth by Cathy Camper and illustrated by Raul the Third. Round 2 Graphic Novels judge Earl Dizon reviewed this one last summer on his blog The Chronicles of a Children’s Book Writer (along with several other intriguing …
REVIEW: Look, Look Again
This year is our first run with the new Board Books category, and we ended up with a list of five great finalists–one of which is today’s featured title: Look, Look Again by Agnese Baruzzi. This book of shapes, numbers, and guessing games was reviewed last month by Fiction Picture Books/Board Books Round 1 judge Ami Jones on her blog, …