A lifelong reader, some of Stephanie’s most vivid memories from her childhood are centered around books including: volunteering in her middle school library, curling up with a great book on a rainy day, trying not to run into walls while walking with a book in front of her face, and sharing books with her best friends at recess. …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Jen Robinson, Literacy Evangelist and Social Media Guru
Jen Robinson loves reading, listening to, and recommending books. Although she works in the high tech industry, she feels that she can actually make a difference in the world if she helps parents, teachers, and librarians to connect kids with books. She does this by purchasing books for as many kids in her life as possible, and by reviewing books …
Meet the 2017 Organizing Team: Sheila Ruth, Publisher Liason
It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Anne Levy, President
While I’m no longer involved in the day-to-day running of the Cybils Awards, it’s still near and dear to my heart. I scribble the URL on little sticky notes for my students and leave piles of old bookmarks in the teachers’ lounge. I name drop a lot, as in “Oh, that won a Cybils a few years back …” These …
2017 Judges Last Call!
The deadline for judge applications is FAST approaching. You have this weekend, basically, to make a decision to join us (and we hope you do!). Check out this post, if you have any questions. And you can find the application form here. What are you waiting for?
The Only Constant is Change…
It’s a new season here at the Cybils, and of course, that means a bit of shifting in the organizers. It’s all volunteers, and so when time becomes short and life gets too busy, we lose some very good people. This year, we’re saying goodbye to Liz Jones, our longtime Graphic Novels chair and Katie Fitzgerald, our Easy Readers/Early Chapter …
The 2017 Cybils Call for Judges: We Need YOU!
And… ready or not… here we go! You know how it goes: this award is only what it is because of YOUR help. And so we are lining up a crew of judges (newbies and returning ones) who will be willing to read, discuss, think about, blog about, narrow down, and select the year’s best (and most kid-friendly) books. Before …
The 2017 Cybils Logo
Isn’t this year’s logo pretty? As always, thanks to Sarah for the design update. And as a further announcement… the call for 2017 judges will be going out within the next week, so keep an eye on right here! We want your help! Until then, feel free to grab the buttons, pass along the word. (And know that our Cafe …
The 2017 Cybils Are Coming……
SOON. We’ve been busy behind the scenes dusting off the logos, lining up the panel chairs, and generally getting things in place for the 2017 Cybils season. Watch this space… the call for judges is coming and we would LOVE to have your help choosing the best, most kid-friendly books this year!
Interview with Ruta Sepetys
How did you find out about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, and what about it grabbed you as a subject suitable for YA historical fiction? My father’s cousin told me about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff. I was shocked that I had never heard of it. When I asked her how she came upon the story she told …