A middle aged, middle school librarian from the Midwest, I’ve been blogging since 2006 at Ms. Yingling Reads. When first hired at my school, I vowed to read every hard cover fiction book in the library so that it’s easier to get the right book for the right child at the right time. It was sad when I finished because I had …
Application Deadline Extended!
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, we here at the Cybils have decided to extend the deadline for applications. We will be accepting applications through 11:59 pm PDT TONIGHT. If you haven’t already filled out the application, and you were thinking about doing so, you still have time! We would love to have you be a …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Charlotte Taylor, Elementary and Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Chair
Charlotte Taylor has been fan of fantasy all her life, and spent her childhood rejecting her sisters’ importunings to come play in favor of peaceful reading. She still spends as much time as possible reading (mostly middle grade speculative fiction, but other genres too, because she wants to read All the Things), but she is hampered her day job as a professional archaeologist. As well …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Jennifer Wharton, Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction Chair
Jennifer has been involved with Cybils since 2009 and is excited to be chairing the Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction category for another year.When not obsessively reading and blogging at one of her many blogs, including Jean Little Library, she is the head of the youth services department for the Matheson Memorial Library in Elkhorn, WI. She has reorganized much of the …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Jone MacCulloch, Poetry Chair
Jone has been involved with the CYBILS since 2006. She loves her role as chairperson of the poetry category. Poetry is part of her everyday life especially in the K5 library where she teaches. Reading is her super power. From poetry postcards to research poems to Poetry Rocks, her students rock poetry. You can find student poems at “Check It Out” Jone is …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Alysa Stewart, Graphic Novels Chair
Alysa Stewart accidentally forgot how to read for pleasure during her first couple years of college. After rediscovering the joy of children’s literature during a glorious Christmas break, she vowed to never again neglect her favorite hobby. It must have been an Unbreakable Vow. Alysa is hooked on the idea of being a children’s librarian, and has begun preparing herself …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Kristi Bernard, Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books Chair
Kristi Bernard has been blogging and promoting children’s books since 2008 at Kristi’s Book Nook. She has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. She loves to visit libraries wherever she travels. In 2016 she participated in KidLit Con and was a panelist for the Cybils in the Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books category. Currently, she is …
Meet the 2017 Orgainzers: Deb Nance, Fiction Picture Book Chair
Fiction picture books are Deb Nance’s world. She’s had many huge moments in the children’s book world since she started spontaneously reading at age two. She’s been a teacher and a librarian near Houston, Texas since 1977. She’s been blogging at Readerbuzz since 2008. She was chosen as an onsite correspondent for Armchair BookExpo in 2016 and 2017. She was …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Melissa Fox, Co-Blog Editor
Melissa has gained the reputation at work for her happy dances… which she breaks into whenever 1) a new Middle Grade or YA book she’s particularly excited about comes out, 2) when she gets to do a fun story time, or 3) she gets the opportunity to bring a cool author (favorite so far? Maggie Stiefvater! Mac Barnett! Shannon Hale! …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Sarah Stevenson, Co-Blog Editor
Sarah Stevenson has been a part of the Cybils since its inaugural year in 2006, and was blog editor for the 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012 Cybils. She’s also helped out behind the scenes with the Cybils logo and flyers, and as a judge in various categories. She is very happy to be back again helping co-Blog Editor Melissa Fox …