Round 1 Sherry Early Semicolon @semicolonblog Melissa Fox Book Nut @book_nut Katherine Kramp alibrarymama @alibrarymama Debbie Tanner The Book Search @imtanner2 Charlotte Taylor Charlotte’s Library @charlotteslib Round 2 Mark Buxton Say What? Halli Gomez The Winged Pen @Ninja_writes Jenna Grose Falling Letters @fallingletters Rosemary Kaladitis MomReadIt @roesolo Brenda Tjaden Log Cabin …
Cybils 2017: Middle Grade Fiction Judges
Round 1 Deb Marshall Read, Write, Tell @readwritetell Dick Leonardo Bookroom Reviews @bookroomreviews Mike Lewis No High 5 News @145Lewis Sarah Sammis Puss Reboots @pussreboots Shannon Griffin Picture Books to YA Stacy Mozer It’s All About the Journey @smozer Karen Yingling Ms. Yingling Reads @msyingling Round 2 Alex Baugh Randomly Reading @randomlyreading Amy Estersohn Teaching Transition @HMX_MSE Greg …
Cybils 2017: Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction Judges
Round 1 Reshama Deshmukh Stacking Books Ellen Zschunke On the shelf 4 kids @ontheshelf4kids Carol Wilcox Carol’s Corner @carwilc Elisa Bergslien Leopards and Dragons @DNAPL Gary Anderson What’s not wrong @AndersonGL Round 2 Carl Schwanke Boys Rule! Boys Read! Earl Dizon Chronicles of a children’s book writer @ea12l Joanne Roberts Bookish Ambition @BookishAmbition Jennifer Naughton Geek Reads Kids @Jennie_Naughton …
Cybils 2017: Easy Reader and Early Chapter Books Judges
Round 1 Jennifer Wharton Jean Little Library @JeanLittleLib Valerie Bird Fort Library Goddess @librarygoddess Maggi Rohde Books For Squids @mama_librarian Pamela Coughlan Mother Reader @MotherReader Nathalie Mvondo Multiculturalism Rocks! @NathalieMvondo Round 2 Claire Noland A Field Trip Life @claire_noland Melissa Wiley Here in the Bonny Glen @bonnyglen Myra Garces-Bacsal Gathering Books @gatheringbooks Jaymie Dieterle The Neverending TBR @justjaymied …
Cybils 2017: Fiction Picture and Board Book Judges
Round 1 Kirstine Call ReFoReMo @kirsticall Ami Jones A Mom’s Spare Time @amicybils Tiffa Foster The Picture Book Review @ThePBReview Andrea Mack That’s Another Story @AndreaL_Mack Nicole Levesque Bluestocking Thinking @BlueSockGirl Lynne Marie Pisano My Word Playground @Literally_Lynne Deb Nance Readerbuzz @debnance Round 2 Maria Marshall The Picture Book Buzz @MariaMarshall Rebecca Herzog …
Judge Announcement Tomorrow!
First some sad news… due to a lack of applicants, the Audiobooks category will be on hiatus this year. We are very sad about this and hope to be able to bring the category back next year. And a quick reminder: panelists and judges will be revealed tomorrow beginning at 9 a.m. PDT and running every 15 minutes. We’re excited …
Thank You for Your Patience
As we work behind the scenes here at the Cybils getting the judging panels set. They are coming together, slowly but surely, and we will be ready to announce the panels on Monday, September 25th, beginning at 9 a.m. PDT. Thank you for sticking with us!
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Melissa Wiley, Young Adult Fiction Chair
Melissa Wiley fell in love with the Kidlitosphere before it even had a name and has been enthusiastically blogging about her family’s reading life at Here in the Bonny Glen since 2005. She is the author of more than a dozen books for kids and teens (including The Prairie Thief, the Inch and Roly series, and the Martha and Charlotte Little House prequels). She …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Pam Margolis, co-Young Adult Speculative Fiction Chair
Pam’s been an avid reader all of her life. In fact, she was probably in line for a book when they handed out map skills. Growing up she loved the classics but now that she’s a grown up she has learned to love all genres of books, especially books for kids and teens. Her passion is helping kids find …
Meet the 2017 Organizers: Jennie Rothschild Junior High/Senior High Nonfiction Chair
Jennie is returning to the CYBILS for the 8th time in her beloved Nonfiction category. She’s been a panelist and a judge and last year made the leap to organizer. A former youth services librarian and branch manager, she’s now an collection development librarian specializing in early literacy and readers advisory. . On years when she hasn’t been doing CYBILS, …