REVIEW: The Playbook

Kwame Alexander is known for his novels in verse, but he’s also written Poetry nominee The Playbook: 52 Rules to Aim, Shoot, and Score in This Game Called Life, a sort of sports-focused guide to life, success, and happiness. Round 1 judge and Cybils veteran Gary Anderson reviewed this title over the summer on his blog What’s Not Wrong? and …

REVIEW: Beyond the Bright Sea

Our featured Cybils review for today comes from Round 2 Middle Grade Fiction judge Tara Smith, a sixth grade teacher in suburban New Jersey who blogs at A Teaching Life. Over the summer, she looked at Middle Grade Fiction nominee Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk: On the surface, Beyond The Bright Sea reads like is a suspenseful mystery, …

REVIEW: Beastly Brains

If you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea for nonfiction-loving kids in your life, an animal book is almost always a hit–today’s review looks at Junior High Nonfiction nominee Beastly Brains: Exploring How Animals Think, Talk, and Feel by Nancy Castaldo. Round 1 judge Rebecca G. Aguilar, a writer and avid reader who blogs at Mostly About Nonfiction, reviewed this …

REVIEW: All’s Faire in Middle School

Today’s featured review looks at a new Middle Grade Graphic Novel nominee from 2015 Cybils winner Victoria Jamieson. Her newest book is All’s Faire in Middle School, and if you’re a Renaissance Faire fan, you won’t want to miss it. Round 1 judge Corrina Allen, who is a podcaster at Books Between and blogger at All the Wonders, reviewed this …

REVIEW: When Your Lion Needs a Bath

Our review for today was posted by Round 1 Fiction Picture Books/Board Books judge Tiffa Foster at her blog, The Picture Book Review. In October, she reviewed Board Books nominee When Your Lion Needs a Bath written by Susanna Leonard Hill and illustrated by Daniel Wiseman: When Your Lion Needs a Bath is so much fun. It easily incites happy giggles …

REVIEW: Ghosts of Greenglass House

The co-editor of this very blog, Melissa Fox, is also a Round 1 judge this year in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. Melissa is a bookseller, mom, and reader in Kansas who blogs at The Book Nut (and, of course, here!). A couple of months ago she reviewed Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford, the sequel to Greenglass House and …

REVIEW: Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code

Round 1 judge in Elementary and Middle Grade Nonfiction, Ellen Zschunke, is an elementary school librarian in Pennsylvania who blogs at On the Shelf 4 Kids. A few weeks ago, she reviewed Elementary Nonfiction nominee Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code written by Laurie Wallmark and illustrated by Katy Wu. Grace is notable for more than just witty remarks; she …

REVIEW: Christmas in Cooperstown

Today’s seasonally appropriate title is a nominee in Early Chapter Books this year: Ballpark Mysteries Super Special #2: Christmas in Cooperstown written by David A. Kelly and illustrated by Mark Meyers. Our Easy Readers/Early Chapter Books category chair Kristi Bernard reviewed it last month on her blog, Kristi’s Book Nook: Author David A. Kelly has created an interesting story that …

During this Holiday Season

Happy Holidays from all of us at the Cybils! We are here to ask that, as you do your holiday shopping, to keep us in mind. If you follow any of the book links (like this one) through to Amazon, we get a percentage of anything you purchase (even non-book items). Every little bit helps us keep the machinery going …

REVIEW: Caraval

Our featured review for today comes from Round 1 judge for YA Speculative Fiction Rebecca J. Allen, a middle grade author in Connecticut who blogs at The Winged Pen. Back in January, she reviewed YASF nominee Caraval by Stephanie Garber: Scarlett must follow the clues in Legend’s game to find her sister, but winning won’t be easy. In Caraval, no …