Round 1: Reshama Deshmukh Stacking Books @stackingbks Ellen Zschunke On the Shelf 4 Kids @ontheshelf4kids Lynne Marie Pisano My Word Playground @Literally_Lynne Jennifer Dieleman Picture Books 4 Learning @jensbooktalk Irene Latham (confirmed) Love Your Poem @irene_latham Elisa Bergslien Leopards and Dragons @DNAPL Roberta Gibson Wrapped in Foil @RobertaGibson Round 2: Megan Guderian Alohamora: Open a book Alyson Beecher Kid …
Cybils 2018: Easy Reader and Early Chapter Book Judges
Round 1 Kimberly Moran WeAreTeachers Jennifer Miller Raise Them Righteous @jlmiller516 Claire Noland A Field Trip Life @claire_noland Sarah Bean Thompson Green Bean Teen Queen @greenbeanreads Jennifer Wharton Jean Little Library Round 2 Lauren Bercuson Happily Ever Elephants @KidLitLauren Heidi Fiedler Barnes & Noble Reads @HeidiFiedler Eileen Manes Pickle Corn Jam @PickleCornJam Miranda Rosbach My Bookbloom @bookbloom …
Cybils 2018: Board Book and Fiction Picture Judges
Round 1: Sandy Brehl Unpacking the Power of Picture Books and The Storied Past @pbworkshop and @SandyBrehl Kirsti Call ReFoReMo/Writer’s Rumpus @kirsticall Ami Jones A Mom’s Spare Time Nicole Levesque Bluestocking Thinking @BlueSockGirl Dawn Mooney 5 Minutes for Books @mteblogmama Deb Nance Readerbuzz @debnance Mia Wenjen PragmaticMom @pragmaticmom Round 2: Alex …
Judges Announced Tomorrow!
We’re all set and ready for the first of our big reveals here at the Cybils: the panelists and judges! The announcements will start rolling out TOMORROW (Sept 18th) beginning at 9:30 a.m. and go every 15 minutes until all categories are announced. We have a GREAT group of people this year, and we’re excited to let you all know …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: William Polking, Young Adult Fiction
William’s path was set when he asked his third-grade teacher if he could move his desk by the window in order to continue reading during a power outage. A first-round panelist in this category consistently in the recent past, William teaches a ninth-grade reading class based entirely on student choice, a college composition class, a media literacy class, and a …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: Pam Margolis, Young Adult Speculative Fiction
Pam’s been an avid reader all of her life. In fact, she was probably in line for a book when they handed out map skills. Growing up she loved the classics but now that she’s a grown up she has learned to love all genres of books, especially books for kids and teens. Her passion is helping kids find books …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: Jennie Rothschild, Junior/Senior High Nonfiction
Jennie is returning to the CYBILS for the 8th time in her beloved Nonfiction category. She’s been a panelist and a judge and an organizer. A former youth services librarian and branch manager, she’s now a collection development librarian specializing in early literacy and readers advisory. On years when she hasn’t been doing CYBILS, she’s been on the YALSA Award …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: Bridget Wilson, Poetry
Bridget discovered children’s poetry while taking a children’s literature class in college. It was love at first read. As a youth services librarian, she loves sharing poetry with kids at her libraries. Bridget has served as a Round 1 Panelist for Poetry three times and as a Round 1 Panelist for Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction once. Bridget blogs intermittently at What …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: Alysa Stewart, Graphic Novels
Alysa Stewart accidentally forgot how to read for pleasure during college. After rediscovering the joy of children’s literature during a glorious Christmas break, she vowed to never again neglect her favorite hobby. (It must have been an Unbreakable Vow.) Alysa is the stay-at-home-librarian to her four young kids, and enjoys keeping a book blog called Everead. She has participated in …
Meet the 2018 Organizers: Charlotte Taylor, Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
Charlotte Taylor has been fan of fantasy all her life, and spent her childhood rejecting her sisters’ importunings to come play in favor of peaceful reading. She still spends as much time as possible reading (mostly middle grade speculative fiction, but other genres too, because she wants to read All the Things), but she is hampered her day job as …