The Easy Reader / Early Chapter Book category of the Cybils covers the whole spectrum of titles for early elementary kids who are learning to read, from the very basic books for emergent readers to longer, illustrated titles for kids who are not quite ready for novels. What we’re looking for in easy reader nominations are leveled readers with controlled …
Category Description: Fiction Picture Books
Colorful. Beautiful. Funny. Poignant. Amazing. Pick your word. These are the stories – with and without words – that can capture our hearts and mind, whether we are two or 92! Fiction Picture Books are a show and tell art form. They introduce young readers to their worlds, present and past; take us on fantastic journeys, real and imagined; offer …
Category Description: Board Books
Just say the phrase “board book” and you’re bound to hear an “awww” or a “that’s so cute!” It happens in my house all the time (even with the teenager)! We share these books with our youngest readers to be. These are our child’s first stories – at playtime, before nap, and as bedtime stories. Opening a board book to …
Cybils 2018: Young Adult Speculative Fiction Judges
Round 1: Pamela Thompson Mcleod Young Adult Books-What We’re Reading Now @Mostlymcleod Melissa Fox The Book Nut @book_nut Maureen Kearney Confessions of a Bibliovore @mosylu Kimberly Francisco Stacked Books @kimberlymarief Kim Aippersbach Dead Houseplants Kara Malinczak Great Imaginations @NamasteRead Charlotte Taylor Charlotte’s Library @charlotteslib Round 2: Emma Kate Word Nerds @emmakatebooks @WordNerdsVlog Sussu Leclerc Novel Without Further Ado @bookriders1 …
Cybils 2018: Young Adult Fiction Judges
Round 1: William Polking Polking Classroom @polking Samantha Randolph Young Adult Books Central @YAbookscentral Gary Anderson What’s Not Wrong? @AndersonGL Rachel Strolle Rec-It Rachel @recitrachel Stephanie Galvan Russell Lispy Librarian @lispylibrarian Haley Shaffer Teachers Who Read @hale27storm Stormy Campbell Book.Blog.Bake @stormydawnc Round 2: Jill Davidson Margin Notes @ShelfieTalk Natalie Long …
Cybils: Junior/Senior High Nonfiction Judges
Round 1: Anne Bennett My Head is Full of Books @Headfullofbooks Rebecca Aguilar Mostly About Nonfiction @RebeccaGAguilar Laurie Thompson Laurie Thompson Blog @LaurieThompson Heidi Grange Geo Librarian @GeoLibrarian Jennie Rothschild Biblio File @kidsilkhaze Round 2: Adrienne Gillespie Books and Bassets @adrienneelva Katy Manck BooksYALove @BooksYALove Terry Doherty The Reading Tub @thereadingtub Wendy Gassaway Falconer’s Library @WendyGassaway Karen Yingling Ms. Yingling …
Cybils 2018: Graphic Novels Judges
Round 1: Mel Schuit Let’s Talk Picture Books @spiky_penelope Lexie Cenni For the Sake of Reading @PRationality Christa Seeley Women Write About Comics/This is a Metaphor @christasbooks Cecelia Larsen Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia @ceceliabedelia John Mutford The Book Mine Set @bookmineset Maggi Rohde Books for Squids @mama_librarian Megan Kelly Devour Books @33megan33 Round 2: Kim Baccellia Si, Se Puede @ixtumea …
Cybils 2018: Poetry Judges
Round 1: Matt Esenwine Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme @MattForrestVW Nancy Bo Flood The Pirate Tree @nancyboflood Elaine Magliaro Wild Rose Reader Patricia Nozell Wander, Ponder, Write @ptntweets Anastasia Suen #kidlit Book of the Day @AnastasiaSuen Carol Wilcox Carol W’s Corner @carwilc Bridget Wilson What Is Bridget Reading? @bridgetrwilson Round 2: Linda Baie Teacher Dance @LBaie Katharine Hillyer The Winged Pen …
Cybils 2018: Middle Grade Fiction Judges
Round 1: Sarah Sammis Puss Reboots @pussreboots Julie Williams Reading by the Pond @juliewilliams89 Jill Lurie The OWL @justkeepreading Beth Mitchell Imaginary Friends Brenda Kahn Prose and Kahn Debbie Tanner The Book Search @imtanner2 Shannon Griffin Picture Books to YA Round 2: Jamie Dieterle The Never-ending TBR @Neverending_TBR Pam Margolis An Unconventional Librarian @Pamlovesbooks A.J. Sterkel Read All the Things! …
Cybils 2018: Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Judges
Round 1: Kristen Harvey The Book Monsters @bookgoil Jenni Frencham From the Biblio Files @jennifrencham Brenda Tjaden Log Cabin Library @logcabinlibrary Beth Mitcham Library Chicken @MitchamBeth Katy Kramp alibrarymama @alibrarymama Sherry Early Semicolon @semicolonblog Cherly Vanatti Reading Rumpus @Tasses Round 2: Stacy Mozer It’s All About the Journey Rosemary Kiladitis MomRead It @roesolo …