REVIEW: Boy Bites Bug

Our featured blog review for today comes courtesy of middle school librarian Brenda Kahn, a Round 1 judge for Middle Grade Fiction who blogs at Prose and Kahn. Middle Grade Fiction nominee Boy Bites Bug by Rebecca Petruck covers some serious topics like racism and privilege while also telling an entertaining story about friendship, wrestling, and bug-eating: The mixture of …

REVIEW: Fake Blood

It’s almost Halloween! In the spirit (see what I did there?) of the spooky season, today’s featured blog review looks at YA Graphic Novels nominee Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner. Round 1 judge John Mutford reviewed this one earlier in the month on his blog The Book Mine Set: AJ is newly starting grade six. Internally, he compares himself unfavourably …

REVIEW: The Bear in My Bed

Our featured blog review for today comes from Round 1 Fiction Picture Books/Board Books judge Deb Nance, a librarian and avid reader from Texas who blogs at Readerbuzz. Earlier this month, she reviewed Board Books nominee The Bear in My Bed by Joyce Wan. In her review on Goodreads, she said, A little boy discovers that a bear has moved …

REVIEW: Dactyl Hill Squad

Today’s featured nominee is from the Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction category: Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel Jose Older. Greg Pattridge, a Cybils veteran and Round 2 judge in Middle Grade Fiction, reviewed this book a couple of days ago on his blog, Always in the Middle: [T]his interesting new series combines fantasy and real life events for readers. It’s a …

REVIEW: The Secret Life of the Little Brown Bat

We’re rapidly approaching Halloween, so here’s a nominee in the Elementary Nonfiction category that is relatively on topic: The Secret Life of the Little Brown Bat written by Laurence Pringle and illustrated by Kate Garchinsky. Featured by Round 1 Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction judge Roberta Gibson on her Growing With Science blog, this should be an appealing title for readers aged …

REVIEW: Fish Are Not Afraid of Doctors (Maud the Koala)

Welcome to our first featured blogger book review of the 2018 Cybils season! Yay! If you’re new to Cybils, all you have to do to get our book review posts in your inbox is sign up for our Books newsletter (scroll down to the bottom of the blog and the signup window will pop up)–it’s that easy. Three times a …

Now accepting 2018 publisher/author submissions

Dear publishers and authors. The public has weighed in, nominating favorite titles, and we hope that some of yours were among them. If not, never fear, now is your turn! Between now and October 25, publishers and authors may submit your own eligible  titles for consideration, up to 10% of your books published in 2018, rounded. (If you published fewer …

Nominations are Now Closed!

Thank you all SO much for your nominations this year!  Now our panelists will get busy reading and choosing their shortlists. Keep an eye on this space for reviews as we highlight books over the course of our season, and stay tuned on January 1st when we reveal our shortlists!  

Last Change to Nominate!

You have until midnight TOMORROW (10/15) to nominate your favorite book (s) for the Cybils!  Still looking for a book? Here are some that have been the unfortunate victims of double nominations and are in need of a nominator again: Poetry 2979 Days to the Moon by Suzanne Slade Early Chapter Books Judy Moody and the Right Royal Tea Party …