The Armchair Cybils Shortlist Contest

The Round One panelists are in the last stages of creating the short-lists for each of the Cybils categories. While they are hard at work, we thought it would be fun to get YOUR guess on what those finalist lists will look like! So we’re hosting a #CybilsShortlist contest! The Contest: Predict the Finalists List for a single category. Grand …

REVIEW: Hey Kiddo

Hey Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka is today’s featured nominee, from the Young Adult Graphic Novels category. Mel Schuit, a Round 1 judge and picture book enthusiast, posted about this title (and a few other nominees) this past fall on her blog Let’s Talk Picture Books: Jarrett does everything he can to make his non-normal life seem normal, and as …

Help Out the Cybils With Your Holiday Shopping!

If you’re anything like me, you’re just getting started on your holiday shopping. The good news is, we’ve got your kidlit book recommendations covered! And if you buy books or ANYTHING after clicking through from a Cybils affiliate link, we get a teensy percentage of the purchase price–so don’t forget about Cybils when you’re doing your inevitable last-minute Amazon shopping …

REVIEW: Happy Grumpy Loved: A Little Book of Feelings

Our featured blog review for today comes from Round 1 judge Dawn Mooney, a mom and former preschool teacher who blogs at 5 Minutes for Books. Over the summer, she reviewed Board Books nominee Happy Grumpy Loved: A Little Book of Feelings written by Ruth Austin and illustrated by Kanae Sato: Ruth Austin and illustrator Kanae Sato have come together to …

REVIEW: Ghost Boys

Today’s featured review, I’ve just now realized, is from our third Jennifer in a row, Jenni Frencham–a Round 1 judge in Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction. She’s a blogger at From the Biblio Files, and earlier this year she reviewed Cybils nominee Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes on her Goodreads page: This book covers an obviously timely topic and includes references …

REVIEW: Eliza: The Story of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton may have gotten all the buzz lately, but just wait until you read about his wife, Eliza. Elementary Nonfiction nominee Eliza: The Story of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton by Margaret McNamara and illustrated by Esme Shapiro is today’s featured title, recently reviewed by Round 1 judge Jennifer Dieleman on her blog Picture Books 4 Learning: Margaret has written a …

REVIEW: My Toothbrush Is Missing

Our featured review for today was posted by category organizer, librarian, and Round 1 judge Jennifer Wharton on her blog, Jean Little Library. Nominated in the Easy Readers category, My Toothbrush Is Missing by Jan Thomas is the latest addition to the Giggle Gang series. In her review, Jennifer said: This funny story includes bold text that is easy to …

REVIEW: Honor Among Thieves

Cybils veteran, category organizer, and YA Speculative Fiction judge Charlotte Taylor wrote our featured review for today–a few weeks ago, she looked at YASF nominee Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre on her blog, Charlotte’s Library: There’s smart-alecky bantering to lighten the mood, some moments where I was deeply moved, and intellectual pleasure from guessing where the …

REVIEW: I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter

Our featured blog review for today looks at Young Adult Fiction nominee I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez. Round 1 judge Gary Anderson, a writing professor and tutor as well as educational consultant, reviewed this title on his blog What’s Not Wrong: With this important book, author Erika L. Sánchez gives readers an authentic look …

REVIEW: Blood Water Paint

Today’s featured book review comes from Young Adult Fiction judge Stormy Campbell, a book lover and writer from Texas who blogs at Book.Blog.Bake. Last month she reviewed Poetry nominee Blood Water Paint by Joy McCullough, a novel in verse based on the life of Renaissance painter Artemisia Gentileschi: I confess to knowing absolutely nothing about Artemisia before reading this book. …