Our featured review for today looks at Middle Grade Nonfiction finalist The Hyena Scientist (Scientists in the Field Series) by Sy Montgomery and Nic Bishop. Nic Bishop’s books are definitely a perennial favorite around here, and in her review on the Growing With Science blog, Round 1 judge Roberta Gibson explains why this title ended up as a finalist: Rather …
2018 Finalists Reactions!
One of the things we like best about releasing our shortlists is all the social media love we get! We thought we’d share a bit with you: Whenever young teachers ask me for reading lists, I point them toward the CYBILS! The finalists are always terrific! https://t.co/VPQvBHw29R — Carol Wilcox (@carwilc) January 1, 2019 Congrats to all the 2018 NF …
REVIEW: Owen and Eleanor Move In
Today we’re happy to present our first finalist review of the New Year! Our featured review is from Cybils organizer and judge Jennifer Wharton, who is on the Round 1 panel for Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books this year. On her blog Jean Little Library, she looked at Early Chapter books finalist Owen and Eleanor Move In (Owen and …
The 2018 Cybils Finalists!
It’s January 1st, our favorite day of the year: The day in which all round one panelists breathe a huge sigh of relief (and we express our heartfelt thanks!), and which everyone (from the authors and illustrators to the fans to the round two judges) eagerly watches to see what’s made the cut. First off — because we know you’re …
REVIEW: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
Are you as excited as we are by the impending reveal of the 2018 Cybils Finalists? Don’t forget to tune in to the blog tomorrow or follow us on Twitter for the big announcement! In the meantime, we have another featured review today from one of our Round 1 judges, Pamela Thompson McLeod, a writer, editorial intern, and reviewer from …
REVIEW: Dear Martin
Today’s featured review might be a first for the Cybils blog–or, anyway, a rarity: Round 1 Young Adult Fiction judge Stephanie Galvan Russell is a vlogger, and she posted a video review about YA Fiction nominee Dear Martin by Nic Stone. Stephanie is a middle school librarian, former teacher, and YA enthusiast, and her vlog is called Lispy Librarian. Episode …
The Gift of Giving
We are constantly amazed at our Cybils judges. They spend personal time reading books and thinking and discussing about them, and championing kids books all over the internet. But, sometimes, they do things that go above and beyond, and we sit back in amazement and feel a need to share. Our Fiction Picture Book/Board Book Chair, Deb Nance, sent us …
REVIEW: Friends and Foes: Poems for Us All
Happy Boxing Day! Our featured review for today comes via Round 2 Poetry judge and Cybils regular Sylvia Vardell, an author and professor who blogs at Poetry for Children. Earlier this year, she looked at Poetry nominee Friends and Foes: Poems for Us All by Douglas Florian: You’ll find 25 poems on many different aspects of friendship, including some of …
REVIEW: Marcus Vega Doesn’t Speak Spanish
Today’s featured review comes from longtime Cybils returnee Sarah Sammis, a librarian in Northern California who is a Round 1 Middle Grade Fiction judge this year. On her blog Puss Reboots, she reviewed Middle Grade Fiction nominee Marcus Vega Doesn’t Speak Spanish by Pablo Cartaya: Marcus Vega is tall for his age and he’s taken on the role of protector …
REVIEW: March Forward, Girl
After a bit of a hiatus earlier this week, our featured blog reviews are back with Junior High Nonfiction nominee March Forward, Girl: From Young Warrior to Little Rock Nine, a memoir written by civil rights activist Melba Pattillo Beals and illustrated by Frank Morrison. One of our Round 1 judges, Rebecca G. Aguilar, reviewed this book on her blog, …