The 2019 Cybils are COMING

Watch This Space! (Or better yet: follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) Calls for judges are coming SOON and (as always) nominations open on October 1st! And to tide you over while you wait, we have our brand-spanking new 2019 logos! Feel free to nab them and pass them around.  It’s just about time!

The Future of Cybils and KidLitCon

The Cybils Board is pleased to announce that the Cybils will be the parent organization for KidlitCon, the conference celebrating children’s literature and blogging. The move makes sense, especially since Cybils has become a 501(c)(3) corporation, and can provide more stability for KidlitCon going forward. There is also overlap between the organizers and participants of both the Cybils and the …

Interview with Senior High Nonfiction Winner John Hendrix

There are so many World War II stories out there. What drew you to Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life, and why did you choose to tell his story?   His story has been known to me for a long time. In my early 20’s I had read Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology in college, and knew of his journey, so I have always wanted to …

Interview with Board Book Winner Janik Coat

What inspired you to create this series of books for the youngest readers? In 2010, I published in Europe a big book called Mon Hippopotame; Abrams books wanted to publish it in a smaller size and called it Hippoposites…They were so excited that I suggested we meet in Bologna in 2013 to imagine a book I could do exclusively for …

Interview with Elementary Non-Fiction Winners Patricia Valdez and Felicita Sala

You have a PhD in biology, correct? How did you end up writing a children’s picture book biography? PV: My PhD is in Molecular and Cell Biology with a focus on Immunology. My day job is at the National Institutes of Health. When my children were younger I would tell them stories about the tiny armies in their bodies that …

Interview with YA Speculative Fiction Winner Rachel Hartman

What was your inspiration for this book, both Tess in particular and the world her story is set in? My very first inspiration was an article I read lamenting the lack of female road-trip stories. I was feeling burned out after writing Shadow Scale, and a road trip sounded like an easy, merry jaunt. A title came to me, Tess in Boots, which …

Interview with YA Graphic Novel Winner Jarrett Krosoczka

How does your family feel about their portrayal in the book? As I was writing HEY, KIDDO, I had my family read early drafts to ensure that my memories were in line with their understanding of how events unfolded. So, nobody was surprised on publication day. Have you come to understand how your mother ended up an addict? My mother …

Interview with Beginning Chapter Winners Debbi Michiko Florence and Elizabet Vukovic

Debbi, can you tell us a little about how you came up with Jasmine Toguchi and her stories? How did you develop Jasmine as a character? Why did you choose to focus on taiko drumming? DMF: I first came up with Jasmine after I read an article about a multi-generational Japanese American family that got together every year at New Years …

Interview with YA Fiction Winner Courtney Summers

What was the inspiration for Sadie?  I’m very interested in our collective engagement with and response to true crime narratives, particularly as the category has expanded (and proven deeply popular) in the podcast medium. I love that it’s a category largely committed to the search for truth and justice, but I also wonder how well we’re serving the narratives of …

Interview with Middle Grade Nonfiction Winner Kelly Milner Halls

We love the name of your website: Wonders of the Weird. How long have you been interested in the “weird” things in nature? My mother used to call me her “little alien,” because I was so “different.”  I loved being outside and exploring every inch of my natural world. Things weird but wonderful were always on the top of my …