Round 1 Becky Herzog Sloth Reads Goodreads Twitter @slothreads Rosemary Kiladitis Mom Read It Twitter @roesolo Instagram @roesolo Cecelia Larsen The Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia Goodreads Twitter @ceceliabedelia Instagram @ceceliareads Maggi Rohde Books for Squids Goodreads Twitter @mama_librarian Christa Seeley This is a Metaphor Women Write About Comics Goodreads Twitter @christasbooks Instagram @christasbooks Aimee Smith Instagram @keepabookout Josephine Sorrell Goodreads Twitter @jothebookgirl Round 2 Kimberly Francisco …
2020 Cybils Judges: Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
Round 1 Sherry Early Semicolon Twitter @semicolonblog Heidi Grange Geolibrarian Twitter @GeoLibrarian Kristen Harvey The Book Monsters Instagram @bookgoil Twitter @bookgoil Nicole Hewitt Feed Your Fiction Addiction Instagram @nicolefictionaddiction Twitter @NicoleMHewitt Katy Kramp alibrarymama Twitter @alibrarymama Aeicha Matteson Word Spelunking Instagram @wordspelunker Twitter @wordspelunker Charlotte Taylor Charlotte’s Library Twitter @charlotteslib Round 2 Jolynn Asato Instagram @literacyedprof Mark Buxton Say …
2020 Cybils Judges: Middle Grade Fiction
Round 1 Joella Bagshaw Provo Library Children’s Book Reviews Goodreads Twitter @cinjoella Instagram @cinjoella Laura Gardner Goodreads Twitter @LibrarianMsG Instagram @LibrarianMsG Susan Jensen Bloggin’ ‘bout Books Goodreads Twitter @bbbforme Instagram @blogginboutbooks Emma Kantor Podcast Goodreads Twitter @emkantor Haley Shaffer Teachers Who Read Goodreads Twitter @hale27storm Instagram @h_shaffer Ness Shortley Twitter @LochNessLibro Instagram @Sewbrarian Pamela Thompson McLeod Young Adult Books–What We’re …
2020 Cybils Judges: Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books
Round 1 Claire Noland A Field Trip Life – Books, Places, and Books that Take You Places GoodReads Twitter @claire_noland Instagram @clairesfieldtriplife Katie Bruechert GoodReads Twitter @MrsB_Reads Instagram @MrsB_Reads Katie Michols Instagram @littlehouseofreading Pam Jones-Nill Pam Jones-Nill – Children’s Author Twitter @pjonesnill Sheri Howard Lobit Education Village Library Tiffany Sorensen Provo Library Children’s Book Reviews Instagram @sorensen5373 Valerie Byrd Fort …
2020 Cybils Judges: Fiction Picture Books
Round 1 Sandy Brehl Unpacking the Power of Picture Books Goodreads Twitter @BWoirkshop and @SandyBrehl Instagram @SandytBrehl Kirsti Call Kirsti Call, Children’s Book Author/ ReFoReMo Goodreads Twitter @kirsticall Instagram @kirsticall Nicole Levesque Bluestocking Thinking Twitter @BlueSockGirl Instagram @BluestockingThinking Emma Manolis Goodreads Instagram @everemmareads Deb Nance Readerbuzz Goodreads Twitter @debnance Instagram @debnance Lynne Marie Pisano My Word Playground Twitter @Literally_Lynne Jennifer …
Meet the 2020 Organizers: Gary Anderson, YA Fiction/Speculative Fiction Co-Chair
Although Gary was a military brat for a big chunk of my childhood, he finished growing up in Iowa (or maybe not at all). He became a high school English teacher in 1980 and retired from full-time teaching seven years ago. Most of that was spent at William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois (1987-2014) where Gary served as the …
Meet the 2020 Organizers: Pam Margolis, YA Fiction/Speculative Fiction Co-Chair
Pam’s been an avid reader all of her life. In fact, she was probably in line for a book when they handed out map skills. Growing up she loved the classics but now that she’s a grown-up she has learned to love all genres of books, especially books for kids and teens. Her passion is helping kids find books containing …
Meet the 2020 Organizers: Charlotte Taylor, Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
Charlotte Taylor has been a fan of fantasy all her life and spent her childhood rejecting her sisters’ importunings to come play in favor of peaceful reading. She still spends as much time as possible reading (mostly middle-grade speculative fiction, but other genres too, because she wants to read All the Things), but she is hampered by her day job …
Meet the 2020 Organizers: Joelle Bagshaw, Middle Grade Fiction Chair
When she was 4-years-old Joella thought all stories about Cinderella were really about Cin-Joella and were telling her that she would one day grow up to become a princess and live happily ever after. Ever since Joella has loved to read and tends to find that Children’s Literature has the perfect blend of dreams and literary merit. Joella has worked …
Meet the 2020 Organizers: Reshama Deshmukh, Graphic Novels Chair
Reshama has been a voracious reader from her earliest years. Born in India, where libraries were scarce, the only way she could lay her hands on the latest books was when her dad used to get her books when he returned from travel abroad. Book exhibitions also gave her an opportunity to get her hands on new and interesting books, …