Speculative Fiction takes us to realms of the imagination: places and times and realities where the rules of life may be different than our own and where the impossible and improbable become real. But good science fiction and fantasy does more than that: it asks, “What if?” It makes us think. It holds up a mirror to our own society …
2020 Category Description: Young Adult Fiction
The world as it was and is. Not as it could, or would, or should be. Send the dystopias and space operas, the fairies and angels, the blood-suckers, zombies, and alternate realities to Speculative Fiction. In YA Fiction we are looking for realistic fiction, be it contemporary or historical, funny or mysterious, romantic or adventurous, including novels in verse. We …
2020 Category Description: Nonfiction
Oftentimes we can say that the truth is stranger than fiction. Children and students of all ages are curious about a variety of subjects and we can feed their thirst by providing outstanding nonfiction titles. Whether their interests lie in learning about someone’s life, history, math, science, current events, social justice, activism, journalism, and so much more there is a …
2020 Category Description: Graphic Novels
A picture is indeed worth a thousand words! It’s no wonder that Graphic Novels remain a favorite for young readers year over year. In fact recent data shows 2019 sales just crossed the 1B sales showing a strong 11% increase in sales of Graphic novels year over year. Graphic Novels are not just for reluctant readers. Young readers need a …
2020 Category Description: Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction
It never fails to amaze me how every year brings such a wild and wonderful assortment of middle grade speculative fiction books! Along with spells and space rockets, this is the category for books with talking animals, time-travel, ghosts, and paranormal abilities, and all the other books that might not have obvious magic on every page, and which are set …
2020 Category Description: Middle Grade Fiction
Middle grade fiction is realistic fiction for pre-teen readers ranging in age from 8 to 12 with protagonists who are around the same age as the reader. These characters are beginning to be more aware of the wider world around them, as well as changes in themselves and their friends as they begin to mature. Pre-teen characters are dealing with …
2020 Category Description: Easy Reader/Early Chapter Books
The Easy Reader / Early Chapter Book category of the Cybils covers the whole spectrum of titles for early elementary kids who are learning to read, from the very basic books for emergent readers to longer, illustrated titles for kids who are not quite ready for novels. What we’re looking for in easy reader nominations are leveled readers with controlled …
2020 Category Description: Fiction Picture Books
Colorful. Beautiful. Funny. Poignant. Amazing. Pick your word. These are the stories – with and without words – that can capture our hearts and mind, whether we are two or 92! Fiction Picture Books are a show and tell art form. They introduce young readers to their worlds, present and past; take us on fantastic journeys, real and imagined; offer …
2020 Cybils Judges: Young Adult Fiction/Speculative Fiction
Round 1 Jennifer Naughton The Bookish Society Goodreads Twitter @bookishsociety Instagram @bookish_society Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks Twitter: @Sonderbooks Gary Anderson What’s Not Wrong? Twitter @AndersonGL Instagram @glanderson Jenna Ehler West Des Moines Public Library Twitter @wdmlibraryteen Grace Barker Grace Gets Books Twitter @gracegetsbooks Instagram @gracegetsbooks Sarah Cook Sarah the Story Girl Youtube Channel Instagram @sarahthestorygirl Rine Karr rinekarr.com Twitter @rinekarr Instagram …
2020 Cybils Judges: Nonfiction
Round 1 Rachael Fryman Rachel Fryman Goodreads YouTube Channel Twitter @RachaelFryman Instagram @RachaelFryman Christy Mihaly GROG Goodreads Twitter @CMwriter4kids Instagram @christymihaly Jennifer Miller Raise Them Righteous Twitter @jlmiller516 Beth Mitcham Library Chicken Goodreads Twitter @mitchambeth Alysa Stewart Everead Goodreads Twitter @everead Instagram @everead Vidya Tiru Lady In Read Writes Goodreads Twitter @LadyInReadvt Instagram @ladyinreadwrites Julie Neitz Wielga Partners in Literacy …