Dear Blogger (Part 1)

<p Dear Blogger Friend, I am long overdue in thanking you for countless mornings of joy. Each day I open an e-window for my library-network HOLD portal, and another for my email. Then, with hot tea and biscotti on hand, I ignore all other inbox business to read your posts about books and their creators. I subscribe to dozens of …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: AAPI Heritage Month

May has a lot of “holidays”: Mother’s Day, May Day, Star Wars Day, Cinco de Mayo (and that’s just the first week!). But it’s also Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and I thought we’d celebrate by highlighting (in a non-comprehensive list) some of the great books we’ve had by and about the AAPI experience.   Watercress by Andrea Wang, …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Booklist: Environmental Picture Books

Earth Day was a couple of days ago, and so we thought a list featuring Environmental books for our youngest readers would be fitting. There are some beautiful books on here, and ones that will remind us that Mother Earth is worth taking care of. Enjoy! We Are Water Protectorsby Carole Lindstrom, illustrated by Michaela GoadeRoaring Brook Press 2020 CybilsFiction …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Booklist: Poetry!

It’s National Poetry Month, and what better way to celebrate than to share some of our favorite books! There are sooo many good poetry books for kids out there, that I think we’ll narrow it down first by sharing all the winners over the years that Poetry has been a category here at the Cybils Awards.  To see the finalists …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Turn Up the Music

Welcome to the Cybils Awards off-season! We’ve had so much great response to our booklists that we are going run themed lists twice a month, made up of past Cybils nominees, finalists and winners. If you’d like to participate, email us a themed list of your favorite books to If you need help thinking of books check out our …

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Celebrating the Black Experience for Younger Readers

Before we wrap things up completely and move off into the post-season, I wanted to give a shout-out to the books celebrating the Black Experience on the younger end of the reading age. We’ll be quiet for a bit, but then we’ll pick up with backlist lists. If you have any good theme suggestions, let us know! Baby Young, Gifted, …

The 2021 Cybils Winners!

As we wrap up another year, we sit back and marvel at how many people are willing to step up and participate, to help out, to find and read all the books, and to make decisions that pick books we feel are excellent, and yet kid-friendly. We are grateful for everyone’s support and help and are glad we have come …

#KidsLoveNonfiction Campaign Begins Today

We will be announcing the 2021 Cybils Awards winners later today, but we could not let today go without supporting something near and dear to our hearts: Nonfiction for Young Readers. This morning, Mary Ann Cappiello, Professor of Language and Literacy at Lesley University, and Xenia Hadjioannou, Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the Harrisburg campus of Penn …

2021 Winners Announced TOMORROW!

Cybils Awards

Just a quick reminder that the winners of the 2021 Cybils will be announced tomorrow, February 14, 2022 at 9 a.m. PST. Be here! We’re excited about this year’s winners!

#CybilsAwards Book Lists: Celebrating the Black Experience, YA Edition

It’s Black History Month, and I thought it would be good to highlight all the wonderful books we have celebrating all aspects of Black Life. I’m sure I didn’t catch them all, but these are definitely worth checking out! I was going to do them all, but there are so many (yay!) we needed to split them up. Stay tuned. …