2022 Cybils Panelists and Judges: Fiction Picture and Board Books

Round 1 Nicole Levesque Bluestocking Thinking Twitter: @BlueSockGirl Instagram: @BluestockingThinking Deb Nance Readerbuzz  Goodreads  Twitter: @debnance Instagram: @debnance Tiktok: @debbieashleynance Lynne Marie Pisano My Word Playground  Twitter: @Literally_Lynne Instagram: @literally.lynne.marie Sam Richardson Little Cub Literacy Twitter: @lilcubliterac Instagram: @littlecubliteracy Maggi Rohde Goodreads Twitter: @mama_librarian Instagram: @librarymaggi Round 2 Linda Bozzo Goodreads Twitter: @lindabozzo Instagram: @lindabozzo Maria Marshall The Picture Book …

#BannedBookWeek Spotlight Post

banned book week playlist

We recently welcomed Riya Fernando to our Volunteer Team, and are so glad to have her on board. When she offered to create a book playlist for Banned Book Week built around THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas (2017 YA Fiction Finalist), our answer was an emphatic “Absolutely!” Make sure to celebrate this week by reading your favorite books …

Application Deadline Extended!

new logo (transparent background)

We know you’re busy. We’re all busy. I’m a bookseller at an independent bookstore, where we have a reduced staff (thanks COVID) and we’re headed into 4th quarter, so believe me, we know busy. BUT. You like books. We know you do. And maybe you don’t talk about them on the internet as much as you did back in 2004 …

Don’t Wait! We Need YOUR Help!

Cybils Logo 2022

Just a reminder that the Call for Judges is closing on Friday, September 9th! If you talk about kids’ books anywhere on the internet (at any length, really) we need your help. Come be a part of this incredible team choosing the best and most kid-friendly books out there.  We need YOU to be a part of our team! (You …

Introducing New Category Chairs

Cybils Awards

Since we are a volunteer organization, as people’s lives and availability change, we need to make changes here as well. We are saying a fond farewell to Pam Margolis (who will remain as a board member), Jenna Ehler, and Joella Basecamp. We appreciated all of their hard work and time over the past years.  With farewells come welcomes, though. We …

Presenting the 2022 Cybils Call for Judges!

Cybils Awards

So, if you talk about kidlit anywhere on the internet — whether it is on a traditional blog, YouTube, Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok — we want your help!  A word of advice: before you fill out the application, be sure to check out our FAQs about judging for us. There is this one, this one, and this one. PLEASE do this beforehand, so …

It’s Almost That Time Again!

Cybils Awards

First off: Can someone tell me where summer went? I know there are still three weeks until Labor Day, but school here starts today, and I’m still stuck in March, I think. Though, I will not be unhappy to see the last of these 100+ degree days… Second: that means, however, that we’re ramping up for the Cybils 2022 season!! …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Aliens!

For our last Backlist Booklist of the summer (keep an eye out; the call for judges for our 2022 season is coming soon!) I thought we’d tackle aliens. Maybe it’s because Jordan Peele’s Nope is in the theaters, or because the solution to Wordle the other day was Alien (got it in three!), or because of the images from the …

#CYBILS2022: An Invitation to Share

Dear Reader, First, thank you for all you do to connect young readers with books representing them and their worlds. Since you are here, you already know that celebrating and amplifying inclusive books for children and teens is near and dear to our hearts. With the 17th annual CYBILS Awards about to get underway, we want to ensure that our …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Sisters

I have a sister and four daughters, so it goes without saying that I love stories about sisters. From Little Women to Twins, stories about sisters are some of the most classic ones out there, highlighting both the joys and paints of having sisters. So why not celebrate sister stories with a list of good Cybils books featuring sisters.  Twins …