Meet Wendy Betts

Today’s Cybils Judge of the Day is Wendy E. Betts.  Wendy runs the popular children’s literature blog, Blog from the Windowsill.  She also writes and edits Notes from the Windowsill, an e-zine devoted to children’s books.  Wendy is serving as a judge for the Poetry category. To get to know Wendy better, we asked her some questions.  Q: How long …

Meet Tasha Saecker

We’d like to introduce you to Tasha Saecker, director of the Menasha Public Library in Menasha, WI. Tasha started her career as a children’s librarian, and continues to read mainly books for children and young adults. She’s been blogging at Kids Lit, one of the most well-respected blogs in the kidlitosphere, since August of 2003. Kids Lit is "a warm, …

Thanks, Franki!

Franki Sibberson weeded through 111 picture books to help us find the five best. She writes about her experience as a panelist at Choice Literacy and links to us here. Thanks for the nice press, Franki! We’re glad you enjoyed the experience. As a judge in this same category, I get to pick up where Franki left off. It’s great …

Meet Anne-Marie Nichols

Anne-Marie’s blogging career has taken her from her Mommy blog to the popular Dot Moms and then to a cooking blog, among many others. She’s now getting paid to combine her passion for kidlit and cooking over at ClubMom, where she writes A Readable Feast. We’re not sure when she finds the time for Cybils, but we’re glad she’s joined …

Meet Sarah Beth Durst

Today we’re pleased to bring you an interview with Sarah Beth Durst. Sarah is a writer, and has her debut novel, Into the Wild, coming out in 2007. She blogs at Sarah’s Journal and also has a MySpace page. She started blogging in September 2006, and has jumped in with both feet as a judge for the Middle Grade Fiction …

Meet Sherry Early

Today’s Cybils judge of the day is Sherry Early, blogger at Semicolon since October of 2003. According to her blog, Sherry is a "a 40-something homeschool teacher, foolish Christian, conservative Republican, bookreading fanatic, happily married, mother of eight." She is also the originator of the Saturday Review of Books series (in which dozens of people each link to their favorite …

Meet Greg Fishbone

Greg Fishbone makes stuff up at his blog, which, dontcha know it, is titled I Make Stuff Up! But he doesn’t, really. He coins witty terms and then defines them with true trivia, factoids and news items. Check out this take called ‘Eternal Dog,’ which he defines as "a supreme being worshipped by dyslexics" before telling us about a type …

Meet Andi

Today we meet Andi, aka cloudscome, of A Wrung Sponge.  Andi writes about the books she’s reading, parenting, gardening, and cooking at her fabulous blog. Oh, and she’s also a librarian. Kelly at Big A little a sent Andi an interview so we can get to know her better. Kelly: Hi Andi!  It’s nice to talk to you.  How long …

Meet Leila Roy

Continuing in our plan of introducing you to more of the bloggers behind the Cybils, today we bring you Leila Roy, the force behind the irreverent and well-informed Bookshelves of Doom. Don’t know what we mean by irreverent? Check out this recent post about serving patrons in the library. Leila has been blogging since August of 2004. She was a …

What Our Nominating Committee Members Learned

HI All! This is Jen, from Jen Robinson’s Book Page. Since there are more than 80 bloggers directly involved in the Cybils (five judges and five nominating committee members for each of the eight categories, plus organizers), it can be a bit hard to keep up with what they’re all posting about the Cybils. I thought that I would bring …