2007 Fantasy and Science Fiction Nominations

We have 94 nominations in the Fantasy and Science Fiction category, an amazing assortment of books for all ages and tastes. It’s a strong list, and choosing a short list out of so many good books won’t be easy. Sheila Ruth, Fantasy and Science Fiction organizer

2007 Graphic Novels Nominations

Spanning a wide range of genres from historical and literary re-tellings to fantasy adventures to manga, the Graphic Novels category topped off at 34 nominations for 2007. Below is the final list. –Sarah J. Stevenson, Graphic Novels organizer

2007 MG/YA Non-fiction Nominations

I’m pleased to announce that we have 45 nominated titles for middle grade and young adult non-fiction for this year’s Cybils awards. There are lots of great selections for kids of all ages. Many thanks to the people who submitted nominations. Jen Robinson, Organizer for the Middle Grade and Young Adult Nonfiction Category

2007 Middle Grade Fiction Nominations

Let me say; I love these Cybils list. I only wish I had the time to read all the nominations, because they all look so good. Here is Middle Grade; seventy five nominations! We have a little bit of everything, from books for your younger readers to historical fiction to genre-bending illustrated books. Books to make you cry, books to …

2007 Fiction Picture Books Nominations

Count them. Well, okay, you don’t have to do that. I’ll tell you: We have over one hundred nominations in this category: 118, to be exact. Many thanks to everyone who submitted nominations. Needless to say, there’s something for everyone here in this list. See for yourself! Jules, Organizer for the Fiction Picture Books category

Introducing the Cybils widget

Isn’t this widget just lovely? It’s helping us highlight–and sell–the glorious children’s and young adult books nominated over the past seven weeks here at the 2007 Cybils. Refresh the page and see what happens. Ta-dah! A whole new book pops up. Within the next few days, we expect to have our widget loaded with every nominated book–however many that turns …

2007 Poetry Nominations

We have a total of forty-two nominations in the poetry category this year. Without further ado, here’s our list of nominees, organized alphabetically by title. –Kelly Fineman, Poetry Organizer

2007 Nominations are now closed

Many thanks to all who nominated. We hope you had fun picking your favorites. Now it’s our panelists’ turn. While we’re waiting for them to plow through the lists and make up their minds, we’ll still be busy here at Cybils. Starting Friday, the full lists of nominees will trickle in from our organizers, all nicely alphabetized. I’ll post them …

Telling Fibs to everyone

One of our esteemed Poetry judges, Gregory K. from GottaBook, is perhaps best known as the inventor of the Fib poem, based on the Fibonacci mathematical sequence of 1,1,2,3,5,8,13…(basically, you keeping taking the last two numbers and adding them together to get the next in the sequence). Fibs are the subject of a feature story at the Poetry Foundation, which …

Fids and Kamily

If you’re like me and the very mention of "The Wiggles" makes you twitch, you’ve no doubt already discovered Stefan Shephard’s blog for children’s music, Zooglobble. He’s a Cybils fan too and has sent some traffic our way. He knows a thing or two about awards. He (and some other kids music writers) just concluded Fids and Kamily, a list …