Bet you didn't know that Tricia Stohr-Hunt, one of our Non-Fiction Picture Book panelists and creator of the blog The Miss Rumphius Effect, was once employed to test dog biscuits for fat content. No jive. She's also a professor and a mom, enough to qualify anybody for the title of Superwoman. Maybe that's why she decided to review Boys of …
The Raucous Royals by Carlyn Beccia
You might not know Jill Tullo by name, but her blog is sure to ring a bell if you've cruised around the kidlitosphere–The Well-Read Child is her forum for getting kids to read, from little ones to young adults: "I feature book reviews, reading tips, and learning activities you can use to help instill the joy of reading in your …
Anna Smudge: Professional Shrink by MAC
YA writer and reviewer Kim Baccellia, who blogs at LiveJournal as well as reviewing at Enchanting Reviews, is no stranger to the Cybils–last year she was part of the nominating panel for Fantasy and Science Fiction (along with yours truly) and this year she's joined us again as a panelist for Middle Grade Fiction. She is the author of a …
Blatant Appeal For Money (Sorry)
Hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving and you're happily getting ready for the holidays, whichever holiday(s) you happen to celebrate. We hope you'll remember us here at Cybils when you do your shopping. Not that we need anything, of course. But you can help Cybils get a small commission whenever you shop at Amazon and now at your favorite independent …
REVIEW: Out of the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst
Nettle is the online handle of one of our Fantasy and Sci-Fi panelists, but she also identifies herself as "Hunter and Bagger of the Elusive Snark" on her blog, The Puck in the Midden. She posts excellent reviews there as well as at Cabinet des Fées: A Fairy Tale Journal, which is where today's review is from. She's also associated …
REVIEW: I Will Surprise My Friend! by Mo Willems
Kara Dean of Not Just for Kids is our blogger of the day, as well as a panelist for this year's Easy Readers category. Since August of 2007, Kara–a children's librarian, writer, and reviewer–been posting about her favorite books and other happenings in the children's lit world under the moniker of Children's Literature Guru. Earlier this month, the Guru reviewed …
REVIEW: Ten Cents a Dance by Christine Fletcher
YA-loving denizens of the kidlitosphere will no doubt be familiar with The YA YA YAs–Trisha, Gayle, and Jolene have been blogging since March of 2007 over at WordPress, where they post about everything that YA literature fans and YA librarians could want. News, reviews, fiction, non-fiction–these three Young Adult librarians have it covered. Today's review comes from Trisha, who cites …
Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon Hale
One of this year’s Cybils panelists in the Graphic Novels category is Sam Musher of According to the header graphic, her blog contains “Musings and snark about YA lit, libraries, and geekdom, from an overly opinionated middle school librarian.” Sam also posts book lists and book reviews of literature for kids and teens–and had a truly kick-butt Halloween costume …
Cybils Nominees Rock the Blog Blast Tour
Can you believe it? Eighteen of this year's Cybils-nominated authors are getting a spot in the limelight this week during the Winter Blog Blast Tour organized by Colleen Mondor of Chasing Ray. For your convenience, here is a list of dates, Cybils-nominated titles, and links: Monday, November 17Lewis Buzbee, Steinbeck's Ghost (MG Fiction)Chasing Ray Laurel Snyder, Up and Down the …
Dinosaur vs. Bedtime by Bob Shea
Stephanie Ford, one of our Fiction Picture Book panelists, is a blogger at the Children's Literature Book Club, which is described as a "book club of grownups who like to discuss children's literature." She posts reviews of everything from picture books to YA novels, and includes kidlit news and booklists as well for curious readers who are interested in following …