2023 CYBILS Judges: Books for New Readers Panels

Easy readers are designed for kids to build vocabulary (e.g., “sight words”) and practice their reading. They are leveled, with controlled vocabularies. They are commonly parts of series with reading-related titles, such as “Step into Reading” or “I Can Read” and they can usually be identified by their large type, simple sentence structure, and colorful illustrations on every page. Compared …

2023 CYBILS Judges: Board Book & Fiction Picture Book Panels

Let the parade of announcements begin! We’re starting with the youngest readers … Board books and picture books are our child’s first stories – at playtime, before nap, and as bedtime stories. They are a show-and-tell art form. Colorful. Beautiful. Funny. Poignant. Amazing. Pick your word. These are the stories – with and without words – that can capture our hearts …

#CYBILS2023 TBR: If you build it …

… we will  read it! There’s only one catch: the book has to get nominated. So how can  you be sure your favorites of 2023 get nominated? Tell us about them!  For several years now, we’ve been using idea boards as a tool to collect suggested nominations. Category chairs add books they hope to see nominated, readers make recommendations to …

Backlist Book List: Back to School

Or should we say “Backpack Book List?” Back-to-school season is in full swing! Some students are already back in school, others are heading into their new classrooms in the coming days.  Some kids eased right back into the routine, others are still navigating their way. With that in mind, we dug into the CYBILS archive to find some books that …

It’s Time! It’s Time! #CYBILS2023 Call for Judges

Yes, we did that lovely post with the full calendar of events, but if you’re as busy as we are (and we suspect you are), it probably helps to get a reminder. The CALL FOR JUDGES period has begun. Dates: 8.21.2023 – 9.8.2023 Details: here and here Application: here

Reflections on Turning 18

Thank you.  We wouldn’t be the Children’s and Young Adult Book Lovers’ Awards without you. You are what brings us to this, our eighteenth year. The CYBILS began in 2005 with an idea held in common by a small group of bloggers: Why couldn’t children’s book awards be more inclusive, more broadly representative, and thus more meaningful? Why couldn’t readers …

Pro Tips for the Judge Application

One week. The Call for Judges begins on 8/21. Hope you are as excited as we are to get the 2023 CYBILS Awards underway. Whether this is your first application or your 10th, this handy-dandy checklist helps make fast work of the application. [Like 10 minutes or less!] Want to make a good impression? We asked our we asked our …

#CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Terry Doherty

Can I let you in on a secret? I don’t read many books during the year. BUT. I do read lots of articles and blog posts. About books. Every day. So when CYBILS Awards nomination time rolls around, I have a handy-dandy list of books that fit my one criterion: each title looks like a book I’d have loved as …

Bookmark this: #CYBILS2023 Calendar of Events

UPDATED: Call for Judges closed. When the calendar page turns to August, things start to get busy around here! It is time for us to get things ready for the 2023 CYBILS Awards. From the Call for Judges to the Winners’ Announcement, our goal is to keep a well-oiled machine running. We’ve learned a few things over the past 18 …

#CYBILS2023 Recommendations from Gary Anderson

2023 book recommendations

“Hey, I know Gary! He’s the YA Fiction chair.” Yes, he was. And during the COVID CYBILS, he was co-chair for both YA Fiction and YA Speculative Fiction! Introducing Gary Anderson, CYBILS Board Member Gary served as a judge for a number of CYBILS Awards categories before becoming YA Fiction Chair. His panels are as diverse as his reading: graphic …