#Cybils Awards Backlist Book List: Voices for Social Change

activist books kids teens

Civil Rights. Voting Rights. Individual Rights. Human Rights. These are some of the many issues in our society where people are moved beyond voicing opinions to “doing something” to influence change. Sadly, while they may seem “new” to our children’s consciousness, these ills are not new to us.  For better or worse, since 2016, nearly 100 Cybils-nominated books have centered …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Middle-Grade Fiction Reads

diverse fiction tweens teens

Is there anything better than relaxing in your favorite reading spot, lost in a book? Exactly! If you follow us on Twitter, you know that we often tweet about books that are soon or just newly released. BUT! Before you put the hold on that shiny new book – and wait your turn in line! – why not enjoy some …

Introducing the #Cybils2021 Idea Boards

Last year, we experimented with a way to celebrate, share, and recommend books that you, passionate readers of youth literature, thought were worthy of Cybils Awards consideration in 2020. So we created Padlets. The upside was that we discovered LOTS of books that you loved, including many we didn’t know about. We had an amazing, diverse collection of books that …