#CYBILS2022: An Invitation to Share

Dear Reader, First, thank you for all you do to connect young readers with books representing them and their worlds. Since you are here, you already know that celebrating and amplifying inclusive books for children and teens is near and dear to our hearts. With the 17th annual CYBILS Awards about to get underway, we want to ensure that our …

#Cybils2022 Idea Boards are here!

Last summer we launched the first-ever CYBILS Awards Idea Boards using padlet.com. Our goal: create a place where readers can share their favorite recent reads. Books they can’t stop talking about. Titles they want other readers to discover for themselves. Books they think might have some award-worthy potential. The Idea Boards turned out to be not just a place to …

What the #CybilsAwards Means to Me. Gary Anderson, In His Own Words

This post, written by Young Adult Fiction Chair, Gary Anderson, was first seen on What’s Not Wrong? Gary’s blog. We are reprinting with permission. Want to share why you love the Cybils Awards? Leave a comment on Gary’s post, here.  The Cybils Awards, YA Lit, and Meby Gary Anderson If you pay attention to the world of literature for young …

Dear Author

Dear Author Friend, I’ve been sharing thoughts about serving as a CYBILS AWARDS Panelist volunteer in some recent letters to bloggers, librarians, and others who are deeply invested in quality books for young readers. I hope that some of those discussions are traveling among friends and colleagues in those groups. Thinking about those peer groups made me realize I was …

Dear Librarian

Dear Library Friend, I’m so was so excited to hear from you! When sharing thoughts about volunteering as a CYBILS AWARDS panelist with my Blogger Friend, I was hoping they might find their way to others. Library friends are the perfect target audience for these discussions since librarians are ALWAYS my best friends, my portal to the reading world that …

Dear Blogger (Part 2)

Dear Blogger Friend, I’m pleased that you understood the intent of my previous letter. I worried I might be sounding pushy, but I was simply reaching out to encourage possible interest. Your questions are great ones and I appreciate your interest in learning more about volunteering as a Cybils Awards panelist. If you’ve hesitated because you have questions about what …

Dear Blogger (Part 1)

<p Dear Blogger Friend, I am long overdue in thanking you for countless mornings of joy. Each day I open an e-window for my library-network HOLD portal, and another for my email. Then, with hot tea and biscotti on hand, I ignore all other inbox business to read your posts about books and their creators. I subscribe to dozens of …

#CybilsAwards Backlist Book List: Turn Up the Music

Welcome to the Cybils Awards off-season! We’ve had so much great response to our booklists that we are going run themed lists twice a month, made up of past Cybils nominees, finalists and winners. If you’d like to participate, email us a themed list of your favorite books to blogeditor@cybils.com. If you need help thinking of books check out our …

#KidsLoveNonfiction Campaign Begins Today

We will be announcing the 2021 Cybils Awards winners later today, but we could not let today go without supporting something near and dear to our hearts: Nonfiction for Young Readers. This morning, Mary Ann Cappiello, Professor of Language and Literacy at Lesley University, and Xenia Hadjioannou, Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the Harrisburg campus of Penn …

Now Read This! #Cybils2021 Needs You

As we mentioned in our last post, what powers the CYBILS Awards is a passion to engage kids and teens with amazing books that have just the right balance of literary merit and kid appeal. By extension, that means igniting the spark that creates a love of reading. Easy Readers and Early Chapter books are the stories that bring the …