It’s Native American Heritage Month, and like last year we want to celebrate the Native Voices books that were nominated or submitted this year. It’s a good list. Enjoy! Powwow Day by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight Charlesbridge Berry Song by Michaela Goade Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Sky Wolf’s Call: The Gift of Indigenous Knowledge by Eldon …
#CybilsAward Book List: Civic Engagement
Election day was last Tuesday, and whatever you feel about the outcome, there is one thing I have noticed: there are more books talking about civil rights, voting, community building, sustainable living, environmentalism, and activism for kids! We thought we’d feature a few that were nominated this year. This Little Voter by Ann Bonnie, Illustrated by Carol Herring little bee …
#CybilsAwards Book List: Forests!
I love fall (honestly: who doesn’t): the changing colors, the crisp air, the falling leaves. And there’s something about fall that makes me want to take a walk through a forest. (I’m usually a beach person!) There’s so much to enjoy in a forest, and here is a collection of our current 2022 nominees and submissions to celebrate all things …
2022 Cybils: Publisher/Author Submissions OPEN
Dear publishers and authors, The public has weighed in, nominating favorite titles, and we hope that some of yours were among them. If not, never fear, now is your turn! Between now and October 26, publishers and authors may submit your own eligible titles for consideration, up to 10% of your books published in 2022, rounded. (If you published fewer …
2022 Cybils: Nominations Open NOW
It’s TIME! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our category descriptions. If you don’t know where the book should go, please read through the descriptions to help you decide. If you’re still not quite sure, make your best guess, and we can straighten things out behind the scenes. (If you’re stumped for ideas, you can check out …
2022 Cybils: Nominations are Upon Us!
It is that time, already! (I feel like that should be a question: it is that time, ALREADY? Where did the time go?) Time to gear up for this year’s nominations for the best of the kid-friendly children’s literature! In preparation, check out our category descriptions and idea boards and start thinking about them. The nominations open on October 1st …
2022 Cybils: Category Changes
Things are always in flux around here, as we try and tweak the award to find the biggest number of best books possible. There are only two real changes this year: We are adding Novels in Verse as an award. It will be judged by the Poetry panel, but they have long felt that novels in verse need their own …
2022 Cybils Panelists and Judges: Middle Grade Fiction
Round 1 Amanda Snow Goodreads Instagram @sealeycrew Susan Jensen Bloggin’ ’bout Books Goodreads Twitter: @bbbforme Instagram: @blogginboutbooks Debbie Tanner The Booksearch Instagram: @imtanner320 Emily Cook Book by Book Instagram: @arrrgh_schooling YouTube Lisa Carter Round 2 Beth Schmelzer Best Books By Beth Jenn Naughton The Bookish Society Goodreads Twitter: @bookishsociety Instagram: @bookish_society Tiktok: @bookish_society Hilary …
2022 Cybils Panelists and Judges: YA Speculative Fiction
Round 1: Sarah Cook YouTube: Sarah Cook Instagram: @sarahyael_ Sondra Eklund Sonderbooks Twitter: @Sonderbooks Karen Jensen Teen Librarian Toolbox Twitter: @tlt16 Molly Mack Silver Button Books Twitter: @silverbuttonbks TikTok: @silverbuttonbooks Jessie Maimone The Library Coven Twitter: @TheLibraryCoven Instagram: @thelibrarycoven Jennifer Miller Raise Them Righteous Twitter: @jlmiller516 Melissa Wiley Here in the Bonny Glen Twitter: @melissawiley Instagram: @melissawileybooks Round 2: Shannon …
2022 Cybils Panelists and Judges: YA Fiction
Round 1 Gina Adamsdb Goodreads Instagram: @gsreadingspree Gary Anderson What’s Not Wrong? Goodreads Twitter: @AndersonGL Instagram: @glanderson @evergreenliterature Christopher Helton Plucked from the Stacks Twitter: @chrishelton Hailey McKinney Goodreads Christa Seeley Goodreads Twitter: @ChristasBooks Instagram: @christasbooks Round 2 Lianne Ashfield Your Books Are Calling Instagram: @yourbooksarecalling Dana Foley Instagram: @illreadwhatsheread Deborah Khuanghlawn Twitter: @beatccr Instagram: @debreadsalot Katy Manck Books YA …