Nic Bishop Frogs

Fiona Bayrock is not only our fabulous category organizer for Non-Fiction Picture Books, she's also a bit of an authority on the subject, being a writer herself of science books for kids and author of the upcoming Bubble Homes and Fish Farts (doesn't the title alone just make you want to rush out and buy it?). She reviews books and …

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

If you're not familiar with the multitalented whirlwind that is Little Willow, then you're really missing out–she's an actress, singer, dancer, bookseller, web designer, (I know I'm missing a few things here)…and, of course, blogger. She posts in-depth reviews, author interviews, and excellent thematic booklists at her blog, Bildungsroman, and she's also on the judging panel for this year's YA …

Wake by Lisa McMann

Jen Robinson, of Jen Robinson's Book Page, is the fabulous Literacy Evangelist for the Cybils, and she's been working really hard behind the scenes of the whole process to spread the word about the award and the quality books it helps bring to readers. Yesterday she gave props to some of the excellent authors whose books made the shortlists, so …

A Visitor for Bear

Pam Coughlan is widely known around the kidlitosphere as MotherReader, and is also very widely read–her interests range from grown-up books (which are outside the scope of the Cybils) to a whole array of books for younger readers which she encounters in her work as a children's library assistant. She's also the founder of Bloggers Against Celebrity Authors and keeps …

More New Year’s Goals from the Cybils

Last week, we posted some inspiring resolutions for the upcoming year from a variety of Cybils folk–panelists and nominated authors alike. If you're still feeling stuck on your own list of 2009 goals, we've got a few more posts today from…well…let's call them writer-panelists. They're offering you their resolutions, thoughts, and inspiring words for the new year. Firstly, Graphic Novels …

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Now that the Cybils finalists have been announced, we'll be doing our best to feature reviews of those titles so you can get to know them a bit better–and so that we can continue to give props to our excellent team of blogging panelists. (Never fear; no decision-making spoilers here–we're only posting reviews that were written before the judging period!) …

Seize the Story: A Handbook for Teens Who Like to Write

We featured Middle Grade/Teen Non-Fiction panelist Carol Wilcox a bit earlier in the nominations process, and she's continued faithfully reviewing a whole slew of Cybils titles on her site, Carol's Corner–just take a gander and check it out if you're in the market for some post-holiday nonfiction shopping! If you know of any young writers in your circle of family …

Happy New Year from the Cybils!

No doubt many of you are either quietly recovering from New Year's Eve celebrations, or perhaps you're diligently working on your list of resolutions for the upcoming year. Our Cybils panelists have been hard at work, too–not just reading nominated titles and settling on the short lists, but also on their own New Year's Resolutions. Here is just a sampling …

The Mystery of the Fool and the Vanisher

Betsy Bird, a children's librarian at the New York Public Library, has been posting in-depth book reviews on her blog since way back in the old Blogspot days–lately, though, she's been representing for the Kidlitosphere over on School Library Journal as A Fuse #8 Production. As a panelist for the Graphic Novels category, she recently reviewed a title for teens …

The Monarch’s Progress: Poems with Wings

Elaine Magliaro, a former elementary school teacher and school librarian, is one of the Cybils Poetry panelists this year. She herself writes poetry for children–as well as blogging about children's books and poetry at Wild Rose Reader. You might also know her as one of the fabulous and inspiring Blue Rose Girls. Elaine is also a regular contributor to Nonfiction …