Briefest of brief updates …

The Cybils blog will end its summer sleep mode in a few weeks with a new logo and new look.  Also, a buncha new announcements, new rules, and, oh, other new stuff. Nominations will open again on Oct. 1. See you all soon. -Anne

Help us locate missing winners

First, check out our fabulous prize: Gorgeous, no? Many thanks to Jim Lanier at Lanier Pens for his stunning craftsmanship. I had to adjust the logo a bit for the box, but it came out quite grand, methinks. I’m really proud we were able to raise the money for such a gorgeous prize. It’s not the honorarium we’d all love …

The premier web awards for kidlit

Hooray for our 2007 winners! Click here for a short overview of the contest, or peruse the index of 2007 finalists. We’ll open nominations for the 2008 contest on Oct. 1.  Look for announcements in coming weeks as we line up this year’s participating bloggers and launch the new season.

2007 Post Mortem

As with last year, we’re asking participants, readers and random visitors to comment on the contest. We’re not looking for lavish praise (though we won’t delete it, either:-) but a frank appraisal of what is or isn’t working, and what needs to improve for next year. We already know we need to work on our judging criteria–what specifics would you …

Kelly conquers Iowa

A wonderful, informative interview in the Iowa Independent with our own Kelly Herold, even if they did leave off the Fantasy and Science Fiction category.

Some love from Literary Mama

Many thanks to Libby Gruner from our Fantasy & Science Fiction panel for her thoughtful article on the Cybils over at Literary Mama. She introduces us to a whole new audience of smart, savvy and bookish Moms–exactly the sort of folks we hope to reach as we spread word of the great books we got to read this year. Thanks, …

Welcome, librarians!

Whether you’re coming here from SLJ’s Extra Helpings or today’s FuseNews, we hope you’ll make yourself welcome. Click here for our list of 2007 winners, which we announced last week. There’s loads of fun stuff in our sidebars, from a printable list of finalists to links to our organizers and judges. Have a blog of your own? We’ll be soliciting …

The 2007 Cybils winners

What is it about kids’ books that gets us? For me, it’s about peals of giggles and excited pointing. It’s about the dog-earred, juice-stained, crayon-enhanced pages held together by reams of scotch tape and hope. Cybils is a comfort zone for the similarly obsessed, where no one has to apologize for preferring the manga version of Shakespeare, and it’s always …

It’s true! A nonfiction poll

Sorry I didn’t think of this earlier, so that I could’ve run polls for all eight genres. As it is, the feedback is fun. Today’s poll is about nonfiction picture books. Have at it! And again, here’s the full list of finalists.                Cybils 2007Pick your favorite nonfiction picture book Guess What is Growing Inside …

What say you?

Today’s poll is for Middle Grade novels. We know you love ’em all. But if you had to get behind just one, which would it be? Oh, and if you need a memory jog, run here.                Cybils 2007Which is your favorite Middle Grade Novel? A Crooked Kind of Perfect Cracker: The Best Dog in …