The Third Annual Cybils Awards

Welcome to the premier Web awards for children's literature.  You, the public, nominated the books.  Now we, the bloggers, are busy reading them and will eventually hand out prizes. Nominations are now closed.  Please come back as we post reviews and news.  Below the jump you'll see contest rules. 

The Brightspirit auction

The following is a message from one of our organizers, Sheila Ruth, about the ad you see in the center column: On February 5, 2008, 10-year-old Emmy Grace Cherry lost her life in a tornado that devastated Russellville, Arkansas. Emmy’s mother and father died with her. Emmy was a big fan of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, and her …

Fiction Picture Books

We’ve assembled quite the formidable crew for fiction picture books this year.  You’ll see some of the kidlitosphere’s biggest hitters here, including the woman who coined the term (Thanks, Melissa!).  Welcome, all. Category Organizer Pamela Coughlan,  Mother Reader Panelists (Round I): Cheryl Rainfield, Cheryl Rainfield Stephanie Ford,  The Children’s Literature Book Club Travis Jonker,  100 Scope Notes Melissa Wiley, Here …

Easy Readers

Here are our panelists and judges for Easy Readers.  Though the category is new, you’ll see some familiar blog names in the list below.  Panelists (Round I judges) Andi,  Cloudscome Sonja Cole,  Book Wink Susan Thomsen, Chicken Spaghetti Terry Doherty, The Reading Tub Kara Dean, Not Just For Kids Judges (Round II) Jen Robinson, Jen Robinson’s Book Page Terry Pierce, …

Welcome to the 2008 Cybils

Greetings!  And welcome to the start of the third annual (doesn’t that sound good) Cybils book awards.  We have no idea what’s in store for you.  Because, well, it’s up to all of you to nominate books.  Starting October 1, we’re going to let you nominate favorite books in nine genres of children’s and teen lit.  Yes, nine.  If you …

Buttons, buttons, we’ve got the buttons

Hey, some Cybils buttons to glam up your blog while we work behind the scenes to pick judges for the coming season: And here’s a slightly larger version: Just right-click and save-image-as to capture the icon on your own computer.  Questions?  Problems?  Let us know in the comments and we’ll email you with help. Enjoy. -Anne

2008 Call for Cybils Judges

Hey all: We’re once again seeking 80 masochists, er, volunteers for two rounds of judging.  Eligibility rules are tighter this year, so please suffer through this whole memo before jumping in. If you don’t know what the Cybils are, please read the previous post.  Thanks! Overview There are two rounds of judging, and two types of judges.  Panelists Duties: Panelists …

We’re warming up for the 2008 contest …

The 3rd annual Cybils awards are nearly here!  For newcomers, Cybils stands for The Children’s and YA Bloggers’ Literary Awards, and we’re still the only book awards of any sort from the blogging community. A refresher: 1. We open nominations to the public on Oct. 1 at Anyone 13 or older – authors and publishers included – may nominate …

The new Cybils logo

I hope you all like our new logo.  It was the product of a four-way collaboration.  Little Willow of Bildungsroman blog stepped forward when I asked for a new logo that didn’t look like a giant sticker.  Her sister, Lisa Fuller, created the "mousebook" graphic for us.  Many thanks to Lisa and her Little Pie Studio.  Little Willow and I …

Under Construction

The Cybils site will be undergoing a redesign in coming days.  Look for our new logo and a handful of other changes as we clear out the old to make way for the new. Thanks for your continued patience. -Anne Levy