Cybils bookmarks

We have gorgeous bookmarks in house.  They list all the 2008 Cybils winners and contact info for Kelly and myself, plus of course our website URL.  If you'd like me to send you an envelope of 30-40 or so, email me your name and address at anne (at) bookbuds (dot) net. I'll send more if you want.  I ordered 5,000 …

RIF strikes again

Carol Rasco at Reading Is Fundamental features the cover of another Cybils winner.  This week it's our Best Poetry book, Naomi Shihab Nye's "Honeybee." 

Cybils love from Carol Rasco

We're so pleased to have a friend in Carol Rasco, CEO of Reading is Fundamental.  I have a lot of childhood memories wrapped up with RIF.  They sent a bookmobile to a small park in my grandparents' Miami Beach neighborhood, where I spent many a happy summer.  I'd come back with a sunburned nose because I couldn't take it out …

Calling all interviewers

If you were a panelist or judge this year, would you like to do a Q&A with one of the winners?  I'll try and set it all up with the publicists, but wanted to coordinate it centrally so we don't all step on each other's toes or have too much duplication. Email me at anne (at) bookbuds (dot) net if …

Cybils 2008 by the numbers

My apologies to the Harper's Index. Total number of nominated books: 843 Percent read by at least one panelist: 98 Percent read by at least two panelists: 92 Number of winning authors and illustrators: 15 Cost, in dollars, of Lanier Classic Fountain Pen for each winner: 65 Page views on opening day, Oct. 1st, 2008: 4,942 Page views on Jan. …

Belated Dedication

I was in such a frantic rush to edit the winners' list and get it posted that I never wrote a dedication.  I decided to post it somewhat belatedly, if you all don't mind.

Don’t look now, but the ALA is catching up to us

Thank goodness the Cybils finalists were announced before all the ALA honorees, or someone would think we were copying them.  Sheesh!  Below is all the overlap I spotted.  Please correct me/make additions in the comments.  More discussion over the weekend as I have time to mull their choices, and what it says about our allegedly different criteria.  Hmmm. Newbery Medal …

True Confessions of an ex-English Major

Okay, this is completely off-topic for this blog, and my apologies if it strikes anyone as inappropriate.  I just wanted to share a weird dream I had last night … In it, I'm in an apartment in DC (I've never lived there, ever) and I'm with Barack Obama.  He's wearing only a towel.  Those pecs!  Wow.  I'm, uh, similarly clad.  …