
This is it, everyone. The countdown has begun. Nominations open at one minute after the stroke of midnight Pacific time tonight. Remember, there'll be an electronic form available instead of leaving nominations in the comments. Read about it here. The rest of the panelists will be announced tomorrow Friday too. Our apologies for the delay. We were figuring out who …

Some info about ’09 nominations

We're ramping up for our Grand Opening in a just a few days now. There's a great, big change you need to know about. From now on, we're only taking nominations from people we like. Fortunately, we're not terribly discriminating, so you're still invited back on Oct. 1. But wait, there's less. As in, you don't have to scroll through …

A Little Night-Light Music

We have a really good friend over at Zooglobble, which does for kids music what many of us try to do for books.  In fact, Stefan, who runs the show, was a judge in Fiction Picture Books last year and counts himself a Cybils fan.  This year, he's asking our help for a very important and amazingly cool task. He's on a quest …

I am soooo not the Cybils admin.

Help! I have a terrible problem. In nearly four years of trying I simply cannot think of a better title than "Cybils administrator." I tried "Cybils editor" but I don't do much of that anymore. "Cybils sherpa" was DOA. Who am I? If you're familiar with the contest and my efforts here and can think up a title that doesn't …

Super quick update for judges

At least 40 people have emailed about judging. YES! I'm sorry I didn't program the gmail account to automatically reply: "Hey, thanks! We'll get back to you in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed for ya' …" So, consider yourselves officially thanked and responded to. Sorry 'bout that. -Anne

Judging Stuff, Part II

The Cybils '09 season is launching soon and we need judges in every genre of children's and YA literature. If you: blog about some aspect of children's or teen books on at least a somewhat consistent basis; or contribute regularly to a group blog about same; know a thing or two about what kids/teens are reading these days; are planning …

Judging Stuff, Part I

The call for judges will go out very, very soon. Like, about a day or so after this is posted. But I didn't want you to just skim through all the stuff there is to know. Please, pretty please, read this before diving into the whole judging thing. Overview There are two rounds of judging, and two types of judges.  …

Soft launch

We'll be fiddling with the new header and layout this week in preparation for the 2009 season.  Stay tuned …

BEA and Bloggers, Perfect Together

Going to BEA? Lucky duck. Cybils and the KidLitosphere will be ably represented there by Pam Coughlin and Sheila Ruth. Here's some info Sheila sent into me about their fabulous presence there: Pam Coughlan and I are participating in a "Blogger signing" thing (like an author autographing session, except for bloggers) at the booth of the company responsible for NetGalley, …

The Amazing Gregory K.

Crap! I totally forgot to publicize Gotta Book's poetry blitz.  That was SO on my list of things to do for this month.  I'm such a bad virtual friend.  Actually, since I've met Gotta Book's Gregory K. in person, I'm a bad friend, period.  I hope he still loves us and comes back to judge again next year (gulp). Here's …