Cybils Awards Store Now Open!

We have a page for stickers and hi-res images. Phew! A ton of work went into this by several people, yet I still live in constant fear of screwing this up. WE HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. So, please, be patient. Stickers are, well, sticky. Here's the link to our store. First sticker (minus the red stuff): Second sticker (ditto): …

The 2009 Cybils Winners

I'm wrapping my brain around the idea that this is our fourth annual awards. Wasn't that blogging fad supposed to be over by now? Shhh … don't tell that to our panelists and judges. They spend a good chunk of their year tap-tapping away on their keyboards, keeping the kidlit world humming with their takes on what makes for a …

Cybils is Flashlight Worthy

Peter is a blogger over at Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations, which runs lists of great books for kids and teens. For the next few days, he's reprinting our finalists list by list, which we really appreciate. Here's the Graphic Novel finals. And here are YA titles. More to come. While you're there, check out some of his other lists. Like, …

Cybils Awards Store

Yes, we’ll be ordering stickers and high-res images for finalists and winners. What a great way to make a book jacket leap out at readers and promote a top-notch title. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Stickers Pricing: $50 for 250 stickers $185 for 1,000 stickers $600 for 5,000 stickers Shipping & Handling varies with amount (see below) Finalist stickers …

Seattle Examiner

A big thanks to Danielle of the Seattle Examiner for letting Seattlites know a bit about us.  Here's the link to her article. Seattle is one big, book-loving town, home to our own Jackie Parker, and it's nice to get a little hug from them.

Updating our FAQs

I'm going to update our FAQs again soon and would appreciate knowing your nagging questions about Cybils.  I'm especially interested in hearing from authors and publishing professionals, as I sense these two groups are having the most trouble understanding what the heck we're up to.  I'm worried our communications haven't always been clear and we've fallen back into thinking everyone …

A fascinating discussion …

… is going on at the blog Black-Eyed Susan's about race,  publishing and Cybils.  I'm at work (night shift again, alas) but will post more on this — plus other reactions to the Cybils short lists from around the Web. Perhaps it will lead to a better understanding of the role race plays in what books we, as readers and …

2009 Finalists: A terrific, heavenly, so good, not bad list

–A note from Anne Levy, Cybils Administrator: I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad problem assembling this year’s Cybils finalists.  Most of our first-round judges decided to sign their summaries for the short-listed titles.  That meant inserting links to their blogs.  And that meant meandering through their recent posts, catching up with old friends, making some new discoveries…and …

10 … 9 … 8 …

Happy New Year, everyone!  I just came down from the roof–literally–where I was watching some fireworks in a neighboring city.  (I work nights and our office has a rooftop viewing deck.)  We're just about 6 hours away from posting the 2009 finalists.  I promise they're worth getting out of bed early for.  See you all in the New Year, and …

2009 Finalists: Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction

Candor by Pam Bachorz Egmont USA Nominated by: Chelsea Campbell Oscar Banks has fooled the town of Candor, Florida, into thinking he’s the perfect son.  Even his father, the town’s founder, believes that the subliminal messages he invented and that are carried by ever-present music, have brainwashed Oscar into becoming one more “good kid” among many. Oscar, though, knows about …