Welcome home, Gina!

Our social media guru, Gina Ruiz, says she's just moved back into her old blog, AmoXcalli, after a year-long absence. Please stop by and admire all the redecorating she's done, and to welcome her back to the Interwebs.

Thanks, volunteers!

Just a quick word if you've emailed us to judge. We can't respond to all emails individually just yet, but we're grateful for the outpouring so far. We're working behind the scenes to accommodate as many people as possible. If you're just joining us, we're talking about the judges sign-up going on now. Here's more info, and still more info.

Contest FAQs

What’s a Cybil? The Cybils awards are given each year by bloggers for the year’s best children’s and young adult titles. Nominations open to the public on October 1st. Can anyone nominate? Yes, anyone may nominate one book per genre during the public nomination period. We ask authors, publishers and publicists to wait until after the public nomination period ends …

2010 Call for Judges

Yes, it's that time of year, when we ask kidlit bloggers around the world to stop what they're doing and join us. It's going to be another crazy contest year, so we're again reminding everyone: judging is loads of fun work. For which we pay you tons nothing.  you should skip skim read every word of this post here.  you'll …

Judging Info

Overview Who’s eligible: Anyone who contributes regularly to a blog (including Goodreads, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, and TikTok) about any aspect of children’s or young adult literature. Regularly pretty much means at least once a month or so, but there are always exceptions. Ask us if you’re not sure. You must also be at least 16 years old before Oct. 1st. …

Pardon our dust

Ah, we ordered this fancy new blog header and the delivery guy comes and installs it and it doesn't fit in the space! We ordered the wrong size, so we're sending it back and getting a new one. It was either that, or move to a larger blog in a nicer neighborhood, preferably one with a pool. Of course, once …

Reading and Shopping Are Both Fundamental

Why yes, this would be Carol Rasco of Reading is Fundamental with yours truly. I'm posting horribly late with this, but better late than never, as they say. (Hey, I was out of town for a while, okay?) So, you're thinking, what are you two lovely bloggers and book lovers doing in what looks like a department store? In fact, …

Future Cybils winner?

Alas, once Sarah's book is really, truly out, we'll have to boot her from the Cybils for a while. Still, we've got plenty of time. Certainly time enough to brag about our blog editor and HER UPCOMING DEBUT. Go, Sarah!

How did I miss this?

Look what kind of love BlogHer's Sassymonkey is giving us. She posted a couple weeks ago about us: For many people February 14 is just Valentine's Day. For book bloggers it's something else altogether — it's the day the Cybils winners are announced! What are the Cybils? They just happen to be one of the best book awards out there. …

A Double Dose of Great News!

Kelly Fineman, our wondrous Poetry Organizer, has taken third place in the Writer's Digest Poetry Competition. Her poem is called "Inside the New Mall" and she's jumping up and down over at her blog. Go send her some virtual hugs. Congrats, Kelly! One more bit of news. I entered, ahem, a draft of Chapter 1 of my own unfinished novel …