Books and Ebooks and Apps, Oh My!

Opening day for Cybils 2011 is fast approaching and you know what that means — yet more changes to the contest. We thought we'd just be tweaking around the margins at this point in our six-year history. But that's an eon in the digital age, and we've had to pivot quickly to avoid becoming the Jurassic Awards. This year is …

Latte & NPR

I hope everyone's having a wonderful summer and getting ready for the next Cybils season. We'll be losing Sarah Stevenson as our editor, but for good reason. She's out promoting her novel, "The Latte Rebellion." It's getting some great buzz out there, including this interview on NPR. Check it out.

Cybils on TV

Many thanks to Katie Davis, a judge in our Fiction Picture Book category, for mentioning us on her segment on Channel 8 in Connecticut. Katie's segment aired on Sunday and we gave her special permission to unveil the winner in her category early. I think this makes us officially famous, right? Anyway, here's the link to her piece. Oh, and …

Welcome to the Cybils Awards

We just announced our 2010 Winners. Check out the full list of finalists. More about us here.

Winners of the 2010 Cybils Awards

Once again, it's our pleasure to bring you our picks for the titles of 2010 that combined literary merit with kid appeal. That's the secret sauce that makes a child or teen want to pull it off the shelf (or download it onto their gizmo of choice) and not move/eat/sleep/breathe until the last page is turned. After the jump you'll …

Our hard-working panelists

Three cheers for the many bloggers who read through a stack of more than 1,200 books this Cybils season. Our panelists slaved through the autumn months and past Christmas to get a short list in on time. Everyone worked hard. I got ZERO complaints of a panelist vanishing mid-season or dropping out of discussions. Just the opposite — organizers universally …

A few bits of 2010 Cybils trivia

The finalists are out and we're bidding a fond farewell to the rest of the nominees. But before we move on, here's a few factoids about all the books that somebody loved enough to nominate. Total nominations: 1,285 Percent read by at least one panelist: 98% Percent read by at least two panelists: 94% Only 24 titles weren't read at …

Welcome to the 2010 Cybils awards

Yes, it's officially 2011 but we're still drooling over the best books of 2010. Check out our finalists. Winners to be announced on Valentine's Day. More about us here.

2010 Finalists

Can you believe this is our fifth list of finalists? Yes, we’re five years old. This year, we were all a tad rushed as we crossed the finish line. If you spot problems on any of the pages, please list them in comments below. Meantime, a hearty thanks and Happy New Year to all our panelists, who once again gave …

2010 Finalists: Young Adult Novels

Dirt Road Home by Watt Key Farrar, Straus & Giroux Nominated by: Kate Coombs Fast paced, gripping, and heartfelt, Dirt Road Home was a book that we just couldn’t put down. The story follows Hal, who is looking for a clean slate inside the Hellenweiler Boys Home, a juvenile detention facility. What he finds is a jungle where the only …