The 2011 Young Adult Fiction Judges

Drumroll please … without further ado, the judges for our single most popular category. We had applicants lined up around the block for this one, so no hurt feelings please if you don’t see your name here. These folks survived some brutal competition to join us this year. First Round Carrie HarrisYoung Adult Author, Mad Scientist, and Monster Prom Chaperone …

Stop the Madness!

Peeee-pull! Some of you have NOT read the rools that clearly state you don't need to KEEP nominating the same book or app over and over and freaking over. Stop that right now. Did you hear me? This isn't a popularity contest. You don't get to vote. You get to nominate. We wouldn't need judges otherwise, would we? And what …

The 2011 MG Fantasy & Science Fiction Judges

I have a special affection for this genre, as my nine-year-old is just growing into it. Which means that I lose him for days at a time. Even when he’s not actually reading, he’s wandering around with a lost look in his face bumping into things. Sound familiar? I bet there’s an under-12 fantasy fan in your household too. Round …

Nominate Here for the 2011 Cybils

Welcome to our sixth annual awards. Here's the nomination form for books published between last year's contest and this one. New eligibility rules here. Also check out our contest info. Genres are listed in the sidebar — titles are added continuously until October 15th, when nominations close. Here's that form again. It'll be kicked back to you if you try …

The 2011 YA Fantasy & Science Fiction Judges

Okay, I admit it. This is my favorite list, and not just because I’m on it. I actually keep trying to get off of it, but organizer Sheila Ruth insists I add something to the mix. Probably chocolate but I can’t tell. This is the group that once had a judge give birth mid-season — via c-section — and debated …

New Eligibility Rules

Nominations for the 2011 Cybils open just after the stroke of midnight (Pacific time) as Friday turns into Saturday. Check your list of favorite new books and get ready, everyone. But — uh oh — we've had some serious changes in our eligibility rules. Yes, we've gotten so big and la-di-da we can be a bit pickier now. The rules …

The 2011 Graphic Novel Judges

Can I confess that I used to know one of the organizers for ComiCon and she kept trying to throw free tickets and parking passes at me? And someone who shall remain nameless kept making me turn them down because San Diego was a whole two-hour drive away (!) and maybe all those costumed hordes would scare the baby. Seriously. …

The 2011 Middle Grade Fiction Judges

This is one of our most popular categories and organizer Kerry Millar decided to shake things up a bit this year. Some veteran judges were juggled around to make room for new blood. That's good for everyone involved, particularly those joining us for the first time. Welcome! Round 1 Colby Sharp Sharp Read Jennifer Donovan 5 Minutes for Books Karen …

The 2011 Poetry Judges

Poetry has long been the genre where we've insisted on the most credentials and expertise. It may get the fewest nominations, but it's far from the easiest to judge. Many of our experts are poets themselves and bring their practiced eye to the Cybils. Round One   Amy Ludwig VanDerwater  The Poem Farm @amylvpoemfarm   Susan Taylor Brown Susan Writes …

The 2011 Easy Reader/Early Chapter Book Judges

These are the books that help kids make the leap from hogging Mom's lap at storytime to sneaking a flashlight under the covers.  It's an important transition, and including this genre was an acknowledgement that these books didn't properly fit with either picture or middle grade books.  They're in a class by themselves, as are the judges. Round 1 Katie …