Privacy Policy

When you give it to us, or give us permission to obtain it…

you share information that impacts your privacy.

When you subscribe to our newsletters or use, or our CYBILS Awards social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, you share certain information voluntarily. This includes your name, email address/social media handle, comments, and any other information you choose to publish, including images. Some of these we may retweet or add to our social feed.

When you sign up to be a CYBILS Awards  judge, we pass your personal postal information on to the publishing companies who will send books to you, but we will never share or sell your information with other users or additional parties, nor use it ourselves except in relation to the CYBILS Awards.

If we ask to collect sensitive personal information, that is, information about your race, gender, ethnic origin, etc., we give you the option to participate voluntarily and anonymously, in order to help us be a better rounded organization.

We value your privacy and personal safety . Please contact us at if you have concerns or questions.