Mercury by Hope Larson

I'm so happy to see this one as a finalist that I'm going to do something a little gauche and post a link to my own review on Finding Wonderland, the YA literature and writing blog I share with author and fellow Cybils judge Tanita S. Davis. (Bonus fact of the day: Hope Larson will be doing the graphic novel adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time!)

Mercury As you may have guessed, today's featured title is a finalist in the Teen Graphic Novels category: Mercury by Hope Larson. Set in Nova Scotia, Mercury relates two parallel but linked stories, one that takes place in the present and one that occurs in the past. The history is fascinating, and so is the hint of the supernatural. The visuals are great, too:

The artwork, as always, is nicely done; simple black and white are used to full effect and changes in the background color of the page subtly cue the changes between past and present. Another enjoyable and unique read from Larson.

Read the full review here.