The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According To Susy) by Barbara Kerley

Jone MacCulloch is our category organizer for Nonfiction and Information Picture Books, so of course she reads a lot of great Cybils-worthy titles and blogs about them at Check It Out. She's a regular participant in Nonfiction Monday and Poetry Friday, and also blogs about life from the perspective of an elementary school librarian.

ExtraordinaryMarkTwain One of her recent Nonfiction Monday posts looked at Cybils finalist The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According To Susy), written by Barbara Kerley and illustrated by Edwin Fotheringham. The text presents a portrait of the classic writer from the perspective of his daughter, including passages from her own journal. Jone says:

The text features extensive quotes. The artwork complements the text and has a style that takes us back in time a bit. This book will be a great mentor text for writing biographies.

Read the full review here.