My bad, mea culpa and oopsie

Oh noes! I did a bad thing. I posted some alternate Cybils logos that didn't belong to the person I thought. I stole them from the Finding Wonderland blog, which is quite wonderful in all respects, and its bloggers are wise and wondrous women in all ways. The top three on my post are indeed by the esteemed Sarah Stevenson, who has granted us kind permission to copy and use them.

The bottom two, however, are by her blog partner, Tanita Davis. I thought they were the most fun logos EVER but stealing them is a bad, bad thing to do. I am hanging my head in shame right now. Fortunately, I'm also in the middle of making Tanita a really nice piece of jewelry, so I'm pretty sure she'll forgive me eventually.

In the meantime, if you copied one of her adorable logos, you can keep it, but please think really nice thoughts about Tanita whenever you look at it.


–Anne Levy, Cybils logo thief