You blew it. You had your chance to nominate, and now it’s gone. You missed the boat, you’re out of time, past deadline, unpunctual, late. Done, finished, kaput. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but nominations are now closed.
Of course, if you nominated a book or few, we’re delighted. We collected more than 880 nominations altogether in the past two weeks, and we’re not quite done counting yet.
From here, we go to a brief period of allowing publishers and authors to self-nominate. If you fall into one of those two types of people, this is your chance. Everyone else is welcome to hang out for a while and check out this year’s nominations lists.
If you’re new to the Cybils Awards, we’ll be posting book reviews from our first-round judges throughout their reading period. You can look forward to waking up on New Year’s Day to our short lists.
And we’re kidding about blowing it. Well, mostly. While the nominations ship has sailed for most of us, there are still many opportunities to read and explore with us until we wrap up the season on St. Valentine’s Day 2015, when we publish the winners in each genre.
As ever, thanks so much for joining us.
– Anne Levy, Cybils Boss Lady