Wind, Weather & Other Natural Forces | #CYBILS2024 Book List

weather and natural phenomena books

What is it about the weather? Extreme or mundane, it always gives us something to talk about! [There’s even a television commercial about our weather addiction.] So of course we had to create a book list featuring Mother Nature in all her glory.

  • True stories of survival in extreme conditions
  • Weather allegory and poetry.
  • People whose lives and careers were inspired by nature.
  • Seasonal celebrations.

The list tilts toward nonfiction with material shared in a variety of formats and genre: poetry, novel in verse, graphic novel, picture books, and nonfiction that reads like a novel.

A book included in this list doesn’t imply anything about its eligibility for a CYBILS Award, nor is it an endorsement.

This post contains buy links which earn the CYBILS Awards advertising fees through and Amazon Associates. 

Book covers link to Goodreads. Blurbs extracted from Goodreads.






















See also