Wish Books: Judges’ Recommendations for Book Gifting

book gift ideas kids

Does anyone remember the days when we couldn’t wait for the <insert merchant name> Wish Book (aka Christmas catalog) to arrive in our mailbox so that we could start our personal wish list of gifts we wanted? The days of snail mail mega-catalogs are long gone, but that doesn’t mean we don’t hope for things … like great books kids will love.

We recently asked our #CYBILS2024 judges for their wish list: two or three eligible books they read, loved, and wished had been nominated or submitted for this year’s awards.  Three of our judges offered books that they found original and compelling and have or will be buying as gifts.

If they love them this much, maybe your young readers will, too. 

A book included in this list doesn’t imply anything about its eligibility for a CYBILS Award, nor is it an endorsement.

This post contains buy links which earn the CYBILS Awards advertising fees through Bookshop.org and Amazon Associates. 

Book covers link to Goodreads. Blurbs extracted from Goodreads.
The category they would have been eligible for is in parenthesis.

From Rachael Owen, Do Good With Books 

Link to reviewRachael’s review of Arya Khanna’s Bollywood Moment*

Link to reviewRachael’s review of This Day Changes Everything*

*I will also note here that I reviewed both of these books as e-ARCs in exchange for fair and honest reviews.

Lindsay Moretti, Goodreads

Link to review: Lindsay’s review of The Unlikely Hero: The Story of Wolf 8

Link to review: Lindsay’s review of Volcanoes

Katlyn Erdman, Two Grey Kittens Book Club

Link to Review: Katlyn’s review of I’m Sorry You Got Mad


Link to Review: Katlyn’s review of My Daddy is a Cowboy

Link to ReviewKatlyn’s review of The Table