Book summaries come from Goodreads. Clicking the book cover will take you there, should you want to add the book to your TBR. Now that we have “all the books,” these lists will include nominees and submissions.
When Sam suggested pairing Fuzzy Furry Ouch with other touch and describe activities, she probably didn’t envision us pairing it with a picture book … that has bears and bees! But here we are! Happy Wednesday.

From a fuzzy peach, to a furry caterpillar, to—ouch!—a prickly cactus, young readers will love feeling the textures in this book as they learn about what’s okay to touch and what’s not. From the familiar (a cactus or a stove) to the silly (a dinosaur or a rocket ship), this book is filled with playful energy, bright and bold illustrations, and humorous text that’s sure to be a hit with readers young and old!
Sam @ Little Cub Literacy – Young readers will learn vocabulary words for various sensations: slick, squishy, fuzzy, slimy, and more. The art is simplistic but fun, with complementary colors and layering that make Amanda Lane Jones’ work vibrant and unique. This is a great book to pair with any touch and describe activity at home or in the classroom.

When a hungry, fuzzy brown bear and a hive of angry bees come face to face, everybody's abuzz! It's a rowdy, rhythmic read-aloud that's also perfect for beginning readers. This epic chase story features Bernstrom's signature alliterative wordplay and verbal pizzazz, along with Scott's expressive characters that jump off the pages.
Cindy Mitchell @ Kiss the Book, Jr. – I have to say it – Scott’s illustrations are luminous! Gorgeous. Glowing. While Bernstrom’s story is simple, the words and pictures are a cohesive whole that will delight every reader. A master text for picture book writers – it’d be great to share with any creative writing class. And I really want to cuddle that bee!
Pamela @ What We’re Reading Now – Brilliant yet sparse text sets the mood right away. And the illustrations! The illustrations are spot on with the text and the story, capturing every subtle nuance of the the bear and the bees. The choices of color depict the golden-ness of the honey so well a reader can almost taste it. A great choice for a read-aloud. Don’t you dare read this one silently.