Book summaries come from Goodreads. Clicking the book cover will take you there, should you want to add the book to your TBR. Now that we have “all the books,” these lists will include nominees and submissions.
If you’re looking for Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction, check out last Saturday’s post.

Dan's always been a good kid. The kind of kid who listens to his teachers, helps his mom with grocery shopping, and stays out of trouble. But being a good kid doesn't stop him from being bullied and feeling like he's invisible, which is why Dan has low expectations when his parents send him on a class trip to Europe.
At first, he's right. He's stuck with the same girls from his middle school who love to make fun of him, and he doesn't know why his teacher insisted he come on this trip. But as he travels through France, Germany, Switzerland, and England, a series of first experiences begin to change him.
Rachael @ Goodreads – Dan Santat is a rock star. I love the honesty and realness and relatability. Anyone who was self-conscious, afraid, lost, insecure, etc. in middle school (which is everyone) will relate to Dan and his amazing trip through Europe learning to love himself and trust himself. If you haven’t read Santat yet, pick this up immediately.
Anne, Head Full of Books @ Goodreads – I related so much to feelings of awkwardness and being unsure of himself, and also want to see all the places he went myself. Readers will root for him and identify with him, too.
Vulpixbookpix @ Tumblr – I think this could be a great book for a shy child, or one that is nervous about what high school may bring. It can show that taking a few risks could lead to an amazing time. 4 out of 5 stars

Maya J. Jenkins is bursting with For answers and a dose of good luck, 12-year-old Maya turns to her Wheel of Fortunes, a cardboard circle covered with the small slips of wisdom she’s collected from fortune cookies. But can the fortunes answer her deep-down questions? The ones she’s too scared to ask out loud? Like, where did Mama’s smile go, the real one that lit up everything around her? When will Daddy move back home? And most of all, does she have enough courage to truly listen to the voice in her heart?
Melissa @ Book Nut – This one was super sweet and charming. I liked how the problems were quite serious for an 11-year-old – what is more important than friendships and your parents staying together? I liked that Collier wrote a book with a realistic portrait of parents whose marriage is struggling, but who put their child first, and are kind and loving. Even in their problems, it’s depicting a positive relationship. I liked that Maya was able to see that her friends being friends with others isn’t bad and that she was able to branch her passions out beyond just playing soccer.
Jessica @ Cracking the Cover – Author Nicole D. Collier’s invites her readers in with warm and comfortable prose. Her writing is like a warm hug. She takes readers on a journey as she fully realizes Maya’s character. And her use of friends is nicely balanced. It’s authentic and beautiful and full of hope and promise.
Deborah @ Goodreads – I loved this book. It hits all the feels. I loved how the author used the fortunes for the chapter titles and how they fit into story. Definitely another to add to the collection!