2022 Cybils Panelists and Judges: YA Speculative Fiction

Round 1:

Sarah Cook
YouTube: Sarah Cook 
Instagram: @sarahyael_

Sondra Eklund
Twitter: @Sonderbooks

Karen Jensen
Teen Librarian Toolbox
Twitter: @tlt16

Molly Mack
Silver Button Books
Twitter: @silverbuttonbks
TikTok: @silverbuttonbooks

Jessie Maimone 
The Library Coven
Twitter: @TheLibraryCoven
Instagram: @thelibrarycoven

Jennifer Miller
Raise Them Righteous
Twitter: @jlmiller516

Melissa Wiley
Here in the Bonny Glen
Twitter: @melissawiley
Instagram: @melissawileybooks

Round 2:
Shannon Griffin
Magical Wonder of Books

Kristen Harvey
Twitter: @bookgoil
Instagram: @bookgoil

Sahana Ilenchezhian

Kimberly Lynne
Twitter: @ChapterAdventur
Instagram: @chapter_adventure

Jody Mohrbacher
MAD reads
Twitter: @jodymohrbooks
Instagram: @jodymohrbooks
TikTok: @jodymohrbooks