REVIEW: From an Idea to Lego

Today’s review is of Early Chapter Book nominee From an Idea to Lego: (Amazon, IndieBound). The review comes from round one panelist Carrie, who blogs at Other Women’s Stories. She wrote:  I learned so much from this book, and I loved every minute of it. Although Lego* wasn’t something I grew up with (I had no idea how long they’ve …

REVIEW: Chick and Brain Smell My Foot

We’re reviewing Early Chapter book nominee Chick and Brain Smell My Foot (Amazon, IndieBound) today! The review comes from Easy Reader/Early Chapter Book round one panelist Pam, an author who reviews books on the side on her website under the label Story Time Shelf. Of Chick and Brain she wrote:  Super silly and fun humor in graphic novel format for early …

REVIEW: The Grace Year

We’re featuring a review of Young Adult Speculative Fiction nominee The Grace Year (Amazon, IndieBound) today, done by YA Speculative Fiction (or YA SpecFic as we tend to shorten it around here) panelist Jennifer, who is active on Goodreads. She wrote:  If I could have read through my hands covering my face I would have. If you like horror, you’ll …

REVIEW: I Love You So Mochi

We love that our panelists love to read, not just in their own category, but all books! Today’s review comes from Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction panelist Nicole, who blogs at Feed Your Fiction Addiction, and read Young Adult Fiction nominee I Love You So Mochi (Amazon, IndieBound). She wrote:  In I Love You So Mochi, author Sarah Kuhn has penned a delightfully …

REVIEW: Finding Treasure: A Collection of Collections

Today’s review is actually an interview with the author of Poetry nomination Finding Treasure: A Collection of Collections (Amazon, IndieBound). Poetry panelist Matt Esenwine, who blogs at Radio, Rhythm, & Rhyme, recently interviewed Michelle Schwab about her book. She said this about the collection: Carmen Saldaña did such an amazing job with the illustrations in Finding Treasure that I’m in love with …

REVIEW: Genesis Begins Again

Today’s review comes from Middle Grade Fiction Round 1 panelist Julie, who blogs at Reading by the Pond. Of Middle Grade Fiction nominee Genesis Begins Again (Amazon, IndieBound), she writes:  This was really something.  A glimpse into color – and variations of color and how they impact our perceptions – of ourselves, of others.  You can read the full review here.

REVIEW: Born Just Right

Today’s review is of Junior High Non-Fiction nominee Born Just Right (Amazon, IndieBound). Our reviewer is Beth, a Junior/Senior High Nonfiction round 1 panelist, who blogs at Library Chicken and recently did a round-up of a whole bunch of Cybils nominees. About Born Just Right, she wrote:  This memoir from a tween girl with a truncated left arm reads as very …

REVIEW: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy

Today’s review comes from Graphic Novel Round 1 panelist Stephanie who blogs at Lispy Librarian and vlogs (!) here. She reviewed middle grade graphic novel nominee Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy (Amazon, IndieBound). About the graphic novel she said:  It’s super cool; I loved it! It took me two days to read it because it’s super emotional […] I’m so …

REVIEW Peek-a-Bruce

Today’s review comes from Fiction Picture Book chair, Deb Nance, who usually blogs over at Readerbuzz.  She has a brief review over at Goodreads of board book nominee Peek-a-Bruce (Amazon, Indiebound), where her conclusion is:  Kids can’t help loving grumpy Bruce and the ever-jolly ducks.  (Truth, that.) Read the full review here. 

REVIEW All the Impossible Things

Today’s review of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction nominee All the Impossible Things (Amazon, Indiebound) comes from round 1 panelist Jennifer, who blogs at RaiseThem Righteous. She writes:  All the Impossible Things (2019) swept me away like a discarded paper bag on a windy day. It’s a beautiful story that is skillfully written and carefully paced with brave characters who love each …