Although I was a military brat for a big chunk of my childhood, I finished growing up in Iowa (or maybe not at all). I became a high school English teacher in 1980, and 2019-2020 will be my fortieth year in the classroom. Most of that was spent at William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois (1987-2014) where I served as the school’s English department chair from 2001-2007. I am currently a writing center specialist at Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. Writing, speaking, and consulting on issues related to teaching, professional development, and literacy instruction are also important aspects of my work. Along with Tony Romano, I’m the co-author of Expository Composition: Discovering Your Voice (EMC/Publishing). My book reviews are mostly focused on YA fiction, but because my reading is eclectic, you never know what will show up in my What’s Not Wrong? blog and Goodreads feed. In prior years, I served as a Cybils Award panelist in several categories: Early/Middle Grade Nonfiction, Graphic Novels, YA Speculative Fiction, and YA Fiction. You can find me on Twitter at @AndersonGL.
Meet the 2019 Cybils Team: Gary Anderson, YA Fiction Chair