A middle aged, middle school librarian from the Midwest, I’ve been blogging since 2006 at Ms. Yingling Reads. When first hired at my school, I vowed to read every hard cover fiction book in the library so that it’s easier to get the right book for the right child at the right time. It was sad when I finished because I had to find books to read elsewhere! I was on the Cybils’ middle grade Speculative Fiction panel in 2010, middle grade fiction panel in the 2011, and became the MG Fiction organizer in 2012. I believe that every day needs an evil plan, and my newest is to train flying monkeys to provide discipline at school. The monkeys would also be helpful in motivating my cross country team to run more quickly. Teaching the monkeys to shelve might be trickier.
Meet the 2016 Organizers: Karen Yingling, Middle Grade Fiction Chair