Gina's been with the Cybils in one capacity or another since it started and thinks its a most wondrous thing.
Gina has spent four years as a graphic novel panelist, last year she dabbled in poetry and this year (gulp) she is teaching Defense of the Dark Arts – er, make that she's an organizer for the nonfiction MG/YA category. She's also lurking about on Twitter doing all things social media. @Cybils Tweets marked with a – GR are hers. You can also follow her at @ginaruiz if you're so inclined.
She reads a lot, blogs a lot (books, cooking, online journal), fiddles around in virtual worlds and is big on promoting multi-cultural literature. Her idea of a grand vacation is going to Book Expo America or visiting dusty bookshops in any city. She speaks hardcover, paperback, Kindle, Nook and Spanglish. Most recently spotted at the zoo with her partners in bookish madness – Jasmine and Aiden. Her next big project is a blog (not up yet) about the wonder of libraries that she's currently working on with a friend.
Editor's Note: The references to DoDA (from the Harry Potter series) are my fault. I can't seem to get an organizer to stick in this genre for the life of them. Er, me.