Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber

Amanda Snow of A Patchwork of Books is no stranger to the Cybils. This year she's a Round I judge for Young Adult Fiction, a perfect role for someone who's a Youth Services Librarian. On her blog, she reviews a wide range of YA and children's books, as well as posting interviews, book challenges, memes and other fun goodies.

CrossingtheTracks One of the Cybils YA Fiction nominees that Amanda reviewed this year was Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber, a novel taking place in 1920s Missouri. Fifteen-year-old Iris is sent to rural Missouri by her father, in order to help care for an elderly woman, and she ends up learning a lot about herself in the process. In her review, Amanda says:

There isn't a whole lot of "action" or twists and turns, but you won't miss any of that page-turning stuff for a second. Every once in awhile it's necessary to slowly enjoy a story..and often those are the ones that stick with you the longest.

Click here to read the full review.