The Cybils have always been an international award. From our first year, our criteria have specified that books published in English anywhere in the world during the eligibility year were eligible. We have had at least one finalist published outside the U.S. that I know of. In 2007 the UK edition of Incarceron, by Catherine Fisher and published by Hodder Children's Books, was a Fantasy and Science Fiction finalist, several years before it was published in the U.S.
Being an international award presents unique challenges, primarily that it's not always easy for panelists to obtain copies of nominated books. But because the internet breaks down international barriers, the Kidlitosphere is an international community, and it doesn't seem fair to limit nominees to only U.S. published books. Panelists also appreciate the opportunity to expand their exposure to books published outside their own country.
This year, we had more non-U.S. books nominated than ever. Here's a breakdown of the 2010 nominees by country:
Australia 13
Canada 56
India 3
Ireland 2
UK 36
USA 1158
USA & Canada 2
The mathematically inclined might notice that the numbers don't quite add up to the total numbers of nominees; that's because there are a small number of books that don't have a country assigned.
Our panelists are also international. This year we have two panelists/judges in Canada and one in Scotland. In past years we have had panelists/judges from the UK, Canada, and the Phillippines.
Sheila Ruth
Publisher Liaison, Fantasy/Science Fiction Organizer, & Database Administrator