Sacred Mountain: Everest by Christine Taylor-Butler

Biblio File is the blog of Middle Grade/YA Non-Fiction panelist Jennie Rothschild, a children's librarian at a public library who loves to read and review both children's and YA books. On her post entitled "Why I Blog," she noted that she values the conversation and sense of community in the kidlitosphere–something I think we can all relate to.

SacredMountain In a recent installment of Non-Fiction Monday, Jennie reviewed several Cybils NFMG/YA nominees, including the appropriately wintry Sacred Mountain: Everest by Christine Taylor-Butler. This book talks not only about the intrepid climbers who brave the mountain's heights, but also about the hardy souls like the Sherpas who live there year-round. In her review, she said:

Beautifully laid out with great pictures and a lot of side bars and pull-out boxes, I especially appreciated Taylor-Butler's focus on the Sherpa people…

Read the full review here.