Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

Sarah Woodard of Sarah's Random Musings is our featured blogger for today, and if you're a fan of YA book reviews and interviews with authors, you'll definitely want to cruise by her virtual home. Sarah is an aspiring writer and high school student in Washington State, and some of her favorite YA authors include John Green, Meg Cabot, and Melina Marchetta.

AlongfortheRide Another of Sarah's favorites is Sarah Dessen, author of Cybils YA nominee Along for the Ride. Narrator Auden is spending the summer with her father and stepfamily, but is still dealing with the ramifications of her parents' divorce and the fact that she'll be starting college in the fall. Dessen tackles these themes with her usual delicacy and heart. Says Sarah Woodard:

One of the best thing about her novels are the lively characters. Auden is looking for the approval of her parents and has missed out on her childhood because of this.

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